Middle Passage Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Charles Johnson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Middle Passage Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Charles Johnson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After the storm, who stands up to Cringle regarding the poor condition of the ship?
(a) Squibb.
(b) Terrence Meadows.
(c) Captain Falcon.
(d) Matthew McGaffin.

2. How many slaves is Ngonyama put in charge of?
(a) Five.
(b) Fifteen.
(c) Ten.
(d) Twenty.

3. When is the only time Cringle seems to relax?
(a) When he is with others.
(b) When he is alone on watch or reading.
(c) When he is sleeping.
(d) When he is alone on watch.

4. To whom does Rutherford tell a sob story?
(a) Cringle.
(b) Tommy, the cabin boy.
(c) Squibb.
(d) Captain Falcon.

5. Who does Cringle tell Rutherford is already aboard the ship when Rutherford presents his (stolen) work papers?
(a) Isadora.
(b) Meadows.
(c) Captain Falcon.
(d) Squibb.

6. What is Captain Falcon's opinion of the war against England?
(a) Brilliantly planned and masterfully executed.
(b) Stupid, but masterfully executed.
(c) Brilliantly planned, but full of military mistakes.
(d) Stupid and full of military mistakes.

7. Why does Squibb walk with a limp?
(a) He has a metal rod in his foot.
(b) He has a metal rod in his leg.
(c) He has a partially amputated foot.
(d) He has a wooden leg.

8. What was the profession of Captain Falcon's father?
(a) Shopkeeper.
(b) Blacksmith.
(c) Minister.
(d) Sailor.

9. What does Captain Falcon consider himself?
(a) Popular.
(b) A genius.
(c) Unpopular.
(d) Misunderstood.

10. Captain Falcon asks Rutherford to be his ____________ around the crew.
(a) Hands and feet.
(b) Heart and soul.
(c) Ears and eyes.
(d) Eyes and ears.

11. Why do the Allmuseri require no medication?
(a) They possess the ability to heal themselves.
(b) They are resistant to all medications.
(c) They rely entirely on natural remedies.
(d) They are immune to all diseases.

12. Who is appointed captain once Falcon is out of the way?
(a) Rutherford.
(b) McGaffin.
(c) Cringle.
(d) Squibb.

13. What activates the safety on the pistol that Falcon gives Rutherford?
(a) A button just above the trigger.
(b) The pistol has no safety.
(c) A magnetized earring.
(d) A magnetized ring.

14. When he arrives in New Orleans, where does Rutherford try, but fail, to find work?
(a) Salons and negro bars.
(b) Restaurants and the shipyard..
(c) Salons.
(d) Negro bars.

15. What is Isadora's career?
(a) Shopkeeper.
(b) Tarot reader.
(c) Schoolteacher.
(d) Bartender.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which crew member does Cringle tell Rutherford to stay away from?

2. How many bullet holes does Captain Falcon's door have in it?

3. What ability does Ngonyama have?

4. What does Cringle tell Rutherford that Falcon watches for in each crew member?

5. About whom does Rutherford want to learn more?

(see the answer keys)

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