Metal Men: Marc Rich and the 10-billion-dollar Scam Short Essay - Answer Key

A. Craig Copetas
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Metal Men: Marc Rich and the 10-billion-dollar Scam Short Essay - Answer Key

A. Craig Copetas
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Metal Men: Marc Rich and the 10-billion-dollar Scam Lesson Plans

1. How does the author describe the industrial trading world of 1984 in Chapter 1?

In London, the center of the European industrial trading world, there was a growing awareness of the creeping power of the 1984 Ronald Reagan dollar, which was gaining fiscal strength over European currencies. Some called it the gout season--the markets were virtually paralyzed. Traders were wining and dining new bankers and investors.

2. Why was the metal industry centered in London? How does the author describe the power of the industry in Chapter 1?

The metal market could have virtually ruled the world. Investors were not aware that every industry in the world was driven by metal. London was the center of this trading world and because of its geographic position could buy a metal for one dollar from a Far Eastern customer and sell it for two dollars to a North American customer before the day ended.

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