Meneseteung Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 103 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Meneseteung Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 103 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Almeda assume about the woman slumped against her gate?
(a) She is homeless.
(b) She is dead.
(c) She is drunk.
(d) She is a prostitute.

2. Why can Almeda not discern that the woman at the gate is drunk and not dead?
(a) The woman has soiled herself.
(b) The woman is not moving.
(c) She has led a sheltered existence.
(d) It is too dark.

3. What does the narrator say about life?
(a) It is what a person makes of it.
(b) It continues to flow.
(c) It is depressing.
(d) It is a gift.

4. What does Jarvis immediately surmise about the condition of the woman at the gate?
(a) She is drunk.
(b) She is in a coma.
(c) She is dead.
(d) She is asleep.

5. In what country is the Meneseteung River located?
(a) United States.
(b) Great Britain.
(c) Canada.
(d) France.

6. What can Almeda hear outside her house?
(a) Birds.
(b) Carriages.
(c) Children.
(d) Street vendors.

7. What kind of jelly does Almeda decide to make one day?
(a) Elderberry.
(b) Apple.
(c) Grape.
(d) Strawberry.

8. Where does the narrator go at the end of the story?
(a) Ontario Bureau of Genealogy.
(b) The Library of Congress.
(c) The Roth family gravesite.
(d) The local library.

9. What will the poem signify for Almeda?
(a) A way for people to know the real Almeda.
(b) An opportunity to be famous.
(c) The chance to get published.
(d) The channeling of all brutal and unpleasant aspects of life.

10. What does Almeda consider as she sits all day?
(a) Writing again.
(b) Getting married.
(c) Getting a job.
(d) Planting a garden.

11. Section 6 is told via what format?
(a) Poems.
(b) Newspaper clippings.
(c) Essays.
(d) Journal entries.

12. As the day progresses, Almeda is in a state of _______________.
(a) Agitation.
(b) Peace.
(c) Delirium.
(d) Panic.

13. Why does Almeda stop taking the nerve medicine?
(a) She gets jittery.
(b) It gives her wild dreams.
(c) She is too sleepy.
(d) It makes her nauseous.

14. The hoodlums supposedly harassed Almeda just like they harassed ___________________.
(a) Queen Aggie.
(b) Jarvis.
(c) The street walkers.
(d) The minister.

15. What does the narrator hope to find at the end of the story?
(a) Almeda's house.
(b) Jarvis Poulter's grave.
(c) Almeda's grave.
(d) The Meneseteung River.

Short Answer Questions

1. What makes Almeda content?

2. The narrator admits to the possibility of ___________ in the story.

3. What does Almeda decide to call her poem?

4. What does the doctor prescribe for Almeda?

5. What literary technique does the author use to compare the flow of Almeda's emotional pain to a river?

(see the answer keys)

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