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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. What is the imaginary creature to whom William refers and speaks in "A Pursuit Race"?
(a) A dragon.
(b) A wolf.
(c) A canary.
(d) A cat.
2. At the end of "An Alpine Idyll," what do the two men (the main characters) do?
(a) Follow the peasant home.
(b) Drink lots of schnapps.
(c) Eat dinner.
(d) Return to their rooms and go to sleep.
3. What does Nick say he wants to do when he is back home from the war in "Now I Lay Me"?
(a) Write for a paper.
(b) Buy a farm.
(c) Get married.
(d) Have children.
4. In "Now I Lay Me," why would Nick run out of worms when he went fishing?
(a) Because they slithered out of the can.
(b) Because he only brought ten for bait.
(c) Because he dropped the can.
(d) Because all the worms died in the heat.
5. In the story "A Pursuit Race," what is William's nickname?
(a) Fast Billy.
(b) Billy goat.
(c) Sliding Billy.
(d) Fast Charlie.
6. In "Ten Indians," what animal does Carl compare Indians to?
(a) Flies.
(b) Skunks.
(c) Dogs.
(d) Snakes.
7. In "Now I Lay Me," what is the initial thing that Nick thinks about when he is trying to fall asleep?
(a) Trout streams.
(b) The war.
(c) Indians.
(d) Bull fighting.
8. In "A Pursuit Race," what word does Mr. Turner use instead of saying "drunk" to William?
(a) Wasted.
(b) Sick.
(c) Under-the-weather.
(d) Stewed.
9. In "Banal Story," how many people follow Manuel Garcia’s body to the cemetery for burial?
(a) 200.
(b) 147.
(c) 0.
(d) 300.
10. In "Ten Indians," what means of transportation is the Garner family using?
(a) A car.
(b) A horse.
(c) A horse carriage.
(d) A wagon.
11. Who is the president referenced in “The Forum,” the publication that the narrator of "Banal Story" is reading?
(a) President Harding.
(b) President Hoover.
(c) President Coolidge.
(d) President Lincoln.
12. In "Ten Indians," where does Nick misplace his shoes?
(a) On the road.
(b) He does not know because he lost them.
(c) In a field.
(d) In the Garner's wagon.
13. In "Banal Story," how old is the girl Nancy Hawthorne to which the narrator references?
(a) 19.
(b) 18.
(c) 16.
(d) 20.
14. To what did the soldiers nail Jesus Christ in the story "Today Is Friday"?
(a) A large stick.
(b) A fence.
(c) A cross.
(d) A church steeple.
15. In "Banal Story," what does the word "banal" mean?
(a) Sad, tragic.
(b) Exciting, thrilling.
(c) Obvious, boring, and lacking originality.
(d) Defective, bad.
Short Answer Questions
1. In what far-away place had Mascart knocked Danny Frush cuckoo in the second round of a fight in "Banal Story"?
2. In "Banal Story," what sort of short stories does "fhe Forum" contain?
3. What kind of pie does Nick's dad offer him when he returns home in "Ten Indians"?
4. Why does the male narrator think that the American woman assumes he is English in "A Canary For One"?
5. What is the narrator in “Banal Story” eating while he reads “The Forum”?
This section contains 493 words (approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page) |
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