Me (Moth) Test | Final Test - Easy

Amber McBride
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Me (Moth) Test | Final Test - Easy

Amber McBride
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Sani tell Moth in Part III will hurt him when it eventually happens with her?
(a) When Moth goes to Julliard and he does not.
(b) When Moth realizes Aunt Jack is dead.
(c) When Moth finds her grandfather again.
(d) When Moth leaves him.

2. What does Sani sing is against he and Moth as they ride to South Carolina?
(a) The roads.
(b) The clocks.
(c) The adults.
(d) The night.

3. Where does Moth see another tattoo of Five Finger grass on Sani's body?
(a) His foot.
(b) His arm.
(c) His back.
(d) His leg.

4. Who does Moth see a sketch of in Sani's room?
(a) Her mother.
(b) Her brother.
(c) Her grandfather.
(d) Herself.

5. Why does Sani say his parents split up?
(a) His mother wanted to finish her degree.
(b) His mother had an affair.
(c) His father wanted to be an actor.
(d) His father was too focused on his work as a Medicine Man.

6. What does the Hoodoo man build a miniature model of in Moth's story?
(a) The plantation.
(b) The sun.
(c) The park.
(d) The mountain range.

7. What does Moth imagine in the Time Travel Motel that she shares with Sani?
(a) She is a famous dancer.
(b) She sings in Sani's band with him.
(c) She is a giant who can prevent the car accident that killed her family from ever taking place.
(d) Sani and she go to Julliard together.

8. What do the Dine call the First World in Sani's story?
(a) The Mad World.
(b) The Strong World.
(c) The Glittering World.
(d) The Black World.

9. How many days is one day on Venus equal to on Earth, according to Moth?
(a) 243.
(b) 8.
(c) 62.
(d) 904.

10. What does Moth imagine hers and Sani's Summer Song is like to them as they sleep?
(a) A second sun.
(b) A lake.
(c) A common dream.
(d) Red string tying their tendons together.

11. What is the only place in the U.S. where four state lines meet?
(a) The Quarter Mile.
(b) Four Corners.
(c) The Windguard.
(d) Hellion's Way.

12. What does Sani tell Moth will never leave him, even when she does?
(a) Her smell.
(b) Her dancing.
(c) Her voice.
(d) Her poetry.

13. What was like a fire hearth, according to Sani?
(a) The Sun.
(b) The North Star.
(c) Venus.
(d) The Moon.

14. What does Moth's grandfather tell her about her own story?
(a) She will know it all at once or not at all.
(b) She can not figure it out on her own.
(c) She will need to hear it from her ancestors.
(d) She will need to write it herself.

15. What does Sani tell Moth he can use to smooth out the creases in her soul?
(a) Prayer.
(b) Jokes.
(c) An iron.
(d) Music.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do the Holy People do to the First World in Sani's story?

2. In Moth's story for Sani in Part III, where does Hercules get stuck?

3. What does Moth imagine Thomas Jefferson had?

4. What does Sani say he is like in Part IV?

5. What does Sani teach Moth how to make at his father's house?

(see the answer keys)

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