Mayflower Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Nathaniel Philbrick
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Mayflower Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Nathaniel Philbrick
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How long can Indian corn be stored without spoiling?
(a) Two or three years, if kept dry.
(b) A year, if kept dry.
(c) Indefinitely, if kept dry.
(d) Ten years, if kept dry.

2. Where did Jones decide they were near as the Mayflower headed toward shore?
(a) Cape Cod.
(b) Hudson River
(c) Jamestown.
(d) Virginia.

3. What was Massasoit's brother's name?
(a) Passaconaway.
(b) Squanto.
(c) Quadequina.
(d) Samoset.

4. For how many days had the Mayflower blundered through storms and headwinds before reaching the New World?
(a) 65 days.
(b) 4 months.
(c) 45 days.
(d) 2 months.

5. Who was the most notable arrival on the ship that arrived in November of 1621 ?
(a) Weston.
(b) John Robinson.
(c) Robert Cushman.
(d) Alice Southworth.

Short Answer Questions

1. What formal and binding agreement was signed before the passengers went ashore?

2. What was the meaning of Squanto's and Hobbamock's names?

3. In the 1600s, who tried to navigate the same treacherous waters that the Mayflower encountered?

4. When did the Mayflower set sail for England?

5. Who was the most powerful Native leader in the region?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why were the Pokanokets in a desperate struggle to maintain their existence as a people?

2. Why does the author state that the story about the Pilgrims changes from the story we know to the story that we need to know?

3. What disparity did Quadequina notice after the treaty between the Indians and the Pilgrims was signed?

4. How did the Pilgrims attempt to make a show of strength to the Indians?

5. In 1605, a map indicated between one thousand and two thousand people living along the shores where the Pilgrims planned to settle. Why were no Indians living along the shore now?

6. Why did the future site of Pymouth Plantation come do well recommended?

7. Why was it illegal for the Separatists to have their own church services?

8. Why were the Nausets "ill affected toward the English"?

9. Why didn't the Indians and English of Plymouth Colony live in peaceful harmony all of those first fifty-five years?

10. How did Thomas Hunt damage Indian-English relations in New England for decades?

(see the answer keys)

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