The Master Builder Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 95 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Master Builder Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 95 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Solness think Ragnar wants to stay at his company?
(a) A bigger office
(b) More say
(c) More money
(d) A secretary

2. What does Hilda's father do for a living?
(a) A jounralist
(b) A dentist
(c) A doctor
(d) A lawyer

3. What did Solness promise Hilda he would buy her in Spain?
(a) A gold ring
(b) A diamond necklace
(c) A kingdom
(d) A mansion

4. What does Kaia suggest Brovik does to feel better?
(a) Go to the cinema
(b) Go for a walk
(c) Read a book
(d) Go to sleep

5. Why does Solness think it will not be good if Kaia gets married?
(a) He will have no one to keep his books
(b) She will live a miserable life
(c) She is too young
(d) He is in love with her

6. What does Brovik not want the children to know?
(a) How angry he is
(b) How he ill he feels
(c) How old he is
(d) What he thinks of Solness

7. Who does Solness call into the room?
(a) Ragnar
(b) Mrs Herdal
(c) Kaia
(d) Aline

8. Why does Hilda not want to go to the shops?
(a) She does not want to go alone
(b) She hates shopping
(c) She is too busy
(d) She has no money

9. Who says he is feeling ill?
(a) Brovik
(b) Kaia
(c) Ragnar
(d) Henrik

10. Whose house does the action pass in and out of?
(a) Herdal's
(b) Wangel's
(c) Brovik's
(d) Solness's

11. What kind of drink is on the table?
(a) Vodka
(b) Water
(c) Juice
(d) Beer

12. What does Mrs. Solness say is dreadful about the nurseries?
(a) The coldness
(b) The carpet
(c) The design
(d) The emptiness

13. How does Ragnar know the couple?
(a) He is a friend of the family
(b) He is married to the woman's sister
(c) He attended university with the man
(d) He has worked closely with the family

14. Who does Hilda think dislikes her?
(a) Mrs. Solness
(b) Solness
(c) Ragnar
(d) Kaia

15. Why does Solness not want Kaia to runaway?
(a) He is in love with her
(b) Ragnar will runaway too
(c) He needs her to attract business
(d) She has too much potential

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Hilda say she wants to sleep as sound as?

2. What means orange in the original Appelsinia?

3. Where did Dr. Herdal meet Hilda?

4. What is the name of Knut's son?

5. What did Solness climb up at the celebration?

(see the answer keys)

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