Mark Twain's Letters from Hawaii Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Mark Twain's Letters from Hawaii Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. How were the provisions divided amongst the crew after the Hornet was burned?

2. How did Twain respond to the drum playing that took place for the audience of the ceremony for the princess?

3. Which one of the following did Twain read in an attempt to help a sickened Mr. Brown in chapter 18?

4. How did the Emeline compare to the previous vessel that Twain had been on?

5. What was Twain's opinion of the hotel that was located near the crater in chapter 25?

Short Essay Questions

1. What description did Twain give of Kona's volcanic ground?

2. What was Kamehameha's funeral like, and when did it take place?

3. What was Mr. Brown trying to steal in chapter 20?

4. Where did Twain watch the ceremony for Princess Victoria in chapter 16, and how did the natives prepare for it?

5. Why was the native riding in a canoe after Twain and the Emeline left the shore in chapter 24?

6. What was Twain's visit of Waiohinu like in chapter 24?

7. How long did it take the Hornet to burn and what did the crew do as it was burning?

8. What was the schooner, the Boomerang, like and why did Twain have difficulty sleeping on his voyage?

9. What reaction did Paulet have to Charlton's situation?

10. What did Twain and Mr. Brown see at the city of refuge in chapter 22?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Analyze the tragic story of the Hornet as it was presented in Twain's letter. Include Twain's main source of information, the events that caused the Hornet to catch fire, the obstacles that the crew faced on the Pacific, the integral part that the Captain had in their survival, and how the survivors were ultimately guided to the Hawaiian shore.

Essay Topic 2

The volcano of Kilauea was the last location that Twain wrote about in his Letters from Hawaii.

1) Describe the Kilauea volcano's crater, Twain's initial response to it, and how he realized its enormous scope.

2) Explain why Twain decided to view the volcano at night and how it transformed as the sun set.

3) Analyze Twain's writings about the volcano, his descriptions, the language and phrasing he used, and why he chose this event as the last one to include in his letters.

Essay Topic 3

Discuss the tale of Charlton and Paulet, based on the accounts that Twain provided in his letters, including why Twain chose to write about them, the points that he made in describing the events that took place, and what they represented for the island of Hawaii.

(see the answer keys)

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