Margret Howth: A Story of To-Day Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Margret Howth: A Story of To-Day Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Margret get to work this morning?
(a) Dr. Knowles picks her up in his buggy.
(b) Lois gives her a ride.
(c) She rides her horse.
(d) She walks to town.

2. Which of the following is NOT part of Margret's trip to return home?
(a) Into the country.
(b) The meatpacking district.
(c) Past the rowhouses.
(d) Through the suburbs.

3. Mr. Holmes wonders if it is the right thing to _____________________.
(a) Marry Margret.
(b) Buy a new house.
(c) Marry Miss Herne.
(d) Expand the mill.

4. Which of the following is NOT an element of the Howth household?
(a) Despair.
(b) Security.
(c) Poverty.
(d) Illness.

5. What does Dr. Knowles tell Mr. Holmes he has been doing today?
(a) Surveying property.
(b) Hosting a business meeting.
(c) Interviewing people.
(d) Buying new equipment.

6. What does Margret do before going to bed?
(a) Steps outside for a few minutes.
(b) Banks the fire.
(c) Brushes her hair.
(d) Sets out breakfast dishes.

7. What is Margret glad that her father cannot see?
(a) That she and her mother have sold many household items.
(b) The shabbiness of the furniture.
(c) Her mother's weary face.
(d) The empty cupboards.

8. What sound makes Margret's heart pause?
(a) A shriek.
(b) Mr. Holmes' footsteps.
(c) The clacking chicken.
(d) A gunshot.

9. What book does Margret read?
(a) Oliver Twist.
(b) Great Expectations.
(c) The Odyssey.
(d) The Bible.

10. Margret thinks that the doctor has always looked at her ___________________.
(a) With love.
(b) With tenderness.
(c) With bemusement.
(d) With a savage scorn.

11. What does Lois do after her father goes to bed?
(a) Loads her wagon.
(b) Washes clothes.
(c) Sets out breakfast dishes.
(d) Watches the moonlight.

12. Who is the narrator of the story?
(a) Mr. Howth.
(b) Dr. Knowles.
(c) Margret Howth.
(d) Margo Howth.

13. What does Margret find that prompts her to write this story?
(a) A diary.
(b) An old ledger.
(c) Newspaper articles.
(d) Some love letters.

14. Where does Lois live?
(a) In a room in a house near the mill.
(b) In a rowhouse.
(c) In an old farmhouse.
(d) In a shack by the railroad track.

15. Where does Joel fix a bed for Lois?
(a) The spare room.
(b) The barn loft.
(c) The back porch.
(d) Near the fire.

Short Answer Questions

1. How long has Tiger been gone?

2. Who is the author of MARGRET HOWTH: A STORY OF TO-DAY?

3. What does Lois' produce symbolize?

4. What does Margret feel will return?

5. Who stares at Margret as she reads?

(see the answer keys)

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