The Man Who Was Poe Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Man Who Was Poe Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happens to the ship Edmund's sister was on?
(a) It overturns.
(b) It hits a rock.
(c) It gets away.
(d) It plows into Edmund's boat.

2. What does Throck ask Edmund about Poe?
(a) If he is getting the reward money for finding Edward's mother.
(b) If he is a drunkard.
(c) If he is getting the reward money for finding Edward's aunt.
(d) If he is looking for Edmund's sister.

3. At the tavern, what does Throck tell Edmund?
(a) He does not know where Edmund's sister is.
(b) Edmund's aunt hired him to find his mother.
(c) He knows where Edmund's sister is.
(d) Edmund's mother hired him to find his aunt.

4. Given what he learns at the portrait studio, what does Dupin come to believe?
(a) Edmund's aunt is still alive.
(b) Either Edmund's aunt or his mother is still alive.
(c) Both Edmund's aunt and his mother are dead.
(d) Edmund's mother is still alive.

5. What does Edmund see in the mausoleum?
(a) A button.
(b) Nothing.
(c) A ghost.
(d) A corpse.

6. What does Poe believe about Edmund's sister's ultimate fate?
(a) It should be the same as Poe's wife's.
(b) She should be rescued.
(c) It is too late to save her.
(d) She deserves to die.

7. What does Edmund realizes about the meaning of the word "Sunrise" in the decoded message?
(a) It is a story.
(b) It is a ship.
(c) It is a picture.
(d) It is a drink.

8. When Edmund figures out where his sister is, who accompanies him to rescue her?
(a) No one.
(b) Throck.
(c) Edmund's mother.
(d) Poe.

9. According to Dupin, from whom did Rachett learn about the gold in the vault?
(a) Peterson.
(b) Arnold.
(c) Throck.
(d) A newspaper.

10. While his mother sleeps, what does Edmund ask Poe to do?
(a) Write a happier ending to his story.
(b) Take care of his mother.
(c) Give him money for food.
(d) Help him find his sister.

11. What does seeing himself in Edmund lead Poe to do?
(a) Think of himself as Edmund's father.
(b) Try to make Edmund as unhappy as he is.
(c) Try to give Edmund a better ending to his own story.
(d) Relate to Edmund's twin sister as well.

12. What does Dupin see from the bell tower?
(a) Edmund's home.
(b) The bank.
(c) The cemetery.
(d) The docks.

13. What does Dupin learn at the portrait studio?
(a) Edmund's mother and aunt look nothing alike.
(b) Edmund's mother and aunt both resemble Edmund's sister.
(c) Edmund's mother and aunt are twins.
(d) Edmund's mother and aunt are the same person.

14. What does another of the notices say?
(a) Arnold is demanding a ransom for Edmund's mother.
(b) Arnold can be reached at the Providence Bank.
(c) Arnold is demanding a ransom for Edmund's sister.
(d) Arnold resides at the Hotel American House.

15. When Poe arrives at the scene where Edmund is trying to rescue his sister, how does he say he figured out the meaning of the decoded message?
(a) While drinking.
(b) In a dream.
(c) Throck figured it out first.
(d) Using one of his stories.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Throck convince Poe to help him and Edmund find Edmund's sister?

2. For what reason does Dupin believe Edmund's sister was abducted?

3. When introducing him to her guests, how does Mrs. Whitman refer to Dupin?

4. What truth does Edmund demand of Poe before they part ways?

5. How does Edmund convince Poe to help him find his sister?

(see the answer keys)

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