The Maltese Falcon Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Maltese Falcon Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Brigid want to know about Spade's meeting with Cairo?
(a) What he said about her
(b) If he asked for Spade's help
(c) The color of his eyes
(d) If he had the statuette

2. Where does Brigid say Cairo had the young man in the shadows?
(a) Constantinople
(b) Cairo
(c) London
(d) Paris

3. How many hours had Brigid been waiting in Spade's office?
(a) Four hours
(b) Three hours
(c) One hour
(d) two hours

4. How long does Brigid say it will take for her to produce the statue?
(a) A week
(b) Two days
(c) Two weeks
(d) A month

5. Why does Spade think that Miss Wonderly returned to her hotel?
(a) To make a phonecall
(b) To pay her bill
(c) to meet her lover
(d) To meet Thursby

6. What is the undersized shadow?
(a) Joel Cairo
(b) Spade's ego
(c) The man following Spade
(d) Spade's gun

7. What is the name of Spade's partner?
(a) Miles Archer
(b) Frank Spade
(c) Davis Archer
(d) Philip Marlowe

8. How money does Spade accept as a retainer?
(a) $1,000
(b) $200
(c) $900
(d) $500

9. Whose offer does Brigid want Spade to forgo?
(a) Her own
(b) Cairo's
(c) Iva's
(d) Thursby's

10. What does Spade take from Brigid's pocket?
(a) Her passport
(b) Her keys
(c) Her cigarettes
(d) Her purse

11. What is the name of the Russian?
(a) Kemidov
(b) Khruschev
(c) Hermidov
(d) Tolstoy

12. How does Dundy react to Spade's joke?
(a) Laughs
(b) Handcuffs him
(c) Kicks him
(d) Hit him

13. On whose behalf is Cairo acting?
(a) The French government
(b) Himself
(c) The German government
(d) The statuette's owner

14. What does Spade tell the police about his relationship with Iva?
(a) It was a bit of fun
(b) She forced herself on him
(c) He denies it
(d) It was on Miles' consent

15. Why does Brigid feel distressed?
(a) Spade is pointing a gun at her
(b) Her corset is too tight
(c) She feels responsible for Miles' death
(d) She has not taken her pills

Short Answer Questions

1. In what city does the story take place?

2. Whose apartment does Spade arrive at at the beginning of this chapter?

3. What is Miss Wonderly's first name?

4. Which other policeman arrives with Tom Poulhaus?

5. Who does Spade spot in the hotel?

(see the answer keys)

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