Malgudi Days Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Malgudi Days Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Shanta learning at school?
(a) How to tell time.
(b) None of these answers is correct.
(c) Her alphabet and how to tell time.
(d) Her alphabet.

2. How long has Govind Singh worked as a security guard?
(a) 1 year.
(b) 25 years.
(c) 10 years.
(d) 50 years.

3. Who has the physical advantage between Iyer and the newcomer on the train?
(a) They are about even.
(b) The newcomer.
(c) This is a trick question because we never learn about their physical appearance or size.
(d) Iyer.

4. How much does Rama earn each day in sales?
(a) 20 rupees.
(b) 10 rupees.
(c) 40 rupees.
(d) 30 rupees.

5. What did Rama Rao used to do before he lost his business?
(a) Sell records.
(b) Run a hospital.
(c) Sell fruit.
(d) Run a bank.

6. Who does Atilla bother the most as a puppy?
(a) The mother.
(b) The father.
(c) The eldest son.
(d) No one; he is too friendly and kind to bother anyone.

7. Where does the talkative man first try to keep his engine?
(a) Way out in the country where no one can find it.
(b) In city hall.
(c) At the town library.
(d) On the town fairgrounds.

8. What man comes to see the astrologer as he is just about to close down for the night?
(a) Guru Nayak.
(b) The astrologer's father.
(c) A random man whose name we never learn.
(d) The king.

9. What skill does Iyer lie to the newcomer on the train about having?
(a) Karate.
(b) Ju-jitsu.
(c) Sharpshooting.
(d) Tae Kwon Do.

10. What does Swami's father write a letter complaining about?
(a) The lack of supervision on the playground.
(b) The horrible bus driver
(c) Swami's reportedly abusive teacher.
(d) How expensive tuition is for such a bad school.

11. Why does the talkative man initially want the statue of Frederick Lawley?
(a) None of these answers is correct.
(b) Both of these answers are correct.
(c) To sell it to a British museum.
(d) To sell it for scrap metal.

12. How old is Shanta?
(a) Elementary-school age.
(b) Quite old -- perhaps 60 or 65.
(c) A teenager.
(d) Very, very young -- maybe 2 or 3.

13. How old is Kamakshi when the reader first meets her?
(a) 6 months.
(b) 12.
(c) 17.
(d) 49.

14. Who is Ramanujan?
(a) Kamakshi's father.
(b) Kamakshi's brother.
(c) Kamakshi's priest.
(d) Kamakshi's husband.

15. What does Iswaren's family think about his passing the exam?
(a) That it doesn't matter because they bribed the test proctor to pass him anyway.
(b) They don't know that he is trying to take it.
(c) That he will pass it with no problems.
(d) That he will never pass it.

Short Answer Questions

1. What makes Raju try to return the stolen purse?

2. Where does Raju go to see how much money he has stolen?

3. Who offers to buy Rama Rao's old house?

4. What happens to Soma's house after he shows people the statue?

5. Why do the street names supposedly need to be changed?

(see the answer keys)

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