Lautréamont's Maldoror: Translated by Alexis Lykiard Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Lautréamont's Maldoror: Translated by Alexis Lykiard Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Maldoror love most about math?
(a) How difficult it is.
(b) How advanced it is.
(c) How orderly it is.
(d) How boring it is.

2. What did Maldoror do when the bulldog did not kill the mad woman's daughter.
(a) He killed the dog.
(b) He stabbed the dog.
(c) He made the dog go back.
(d) He yelled at the dog.

3. How does Maldoror describe the men who are on the horse-drawn bus?
(a) As being regal.
(b) As being like a corpse.
(c) As being lonely.
(d) As being captured.

4. Why does Maldoror strangle the child in Book I, Stanza 11?
(a) Because Maldoror is bored.
(b) Because the boy won't accept sin.
(c) Because the boy threatens to tell on Maldoror.
(d) Because the mother asks him to.

5. Why does Maldoror send away the beautiful girl in Book II, Stanza 13?
(a) He fears she is good.
(b) She isn't interesting.
(c) He is bored by her.
(d) She says she loves God.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Book I, Stanza 11, when does Maldoror return to speak to the child?

2. What does the family in Book I, Stanza 11 hear after Maldoror watches them eat?

3. What does Maldoror say showed him the grave of a child who died from tuberculosis?

4. In Book II, Stanza 12, what example of God's malice does Maldoror examine?

5. In Book III, Stanza 3, what does Maldoror turn into to fight the dragon?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Book I, Stanza 6, what does Maldoror suggest people do to children?

2. At the end of Book II, what does the narrator say his poem might cause?

3. Why does Maldoror praise mathematics in Book II, Stanza 10?

4. What does Maldoror do after visiting a brothel in Book III, Stanza 5?

5. What does the child chasing the horse-drawn bus make Maldoror think of?

6. How was Maldoror's childhood deafness cured?

7. What does Maldoror do after watching the family eat dinner in Book I, Stanza 11?

8. What conversation about heaven does Maldoror have with the boy on the park bench?

9. In Book II, Stanza 12, what does Maldoror say about praying as a child?

10. When Mario and Maldoror travel together in Book III, what do they talk about?

(see the answer keys)

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