Magyk Test | Final Test - Medium

Angie Sage
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Magyk Test | Final Test - Medium

Angie Sage
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happens to the giant python when the Big Thaw comes?
(a) He is too tired to find food.
(b) He is too skinny to lift himself out.
(c) He gets stuck in a circle and can't undo himself.
(d) He is stuck in the mud.

2. What does the dragon boat agree to do?
(a) Take them to the Castle.
(b) Take them to see Sarah.
(c) Attack the Vengeance.
(d) Take the to rescue Silas.

3. What shape is the boat that appears to Jenna?
(a) A whale.
(b) A snake.
(c) A magog.
(d) A dragon.

4. How many Shield Bugs does Zelda's group have in total?
(a) Fifty-five.
(b) Fifty-six.
(c) Fifty-eight.
(d) Fifty-two.

5. Who did Jenna's Shield Bug take a disliking to after it floated into port?
(a) A new circus buffoon.
(b) The Matron.
(c) The Jailer.
(d) The Gatekeeper.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Aunt Zelda deal with the Hunter?

2. What happened to Aunt Zelda's chicken coop after DomDaniel's storm washed it away?

3. Where is the Message Rat to deliver a message to?

4. Allowed one gift from Marcia for his apprenticeship, what does Boy 412 choose?

5. What is the name of DomDaniel's ship?

Short Essay Questions

1. What kind of message does Marcia receive from the Message Rat, and what are the consequences of that message?

2. What happens to the Shield Bugs that Jenna, Boy 412 and Nicko release against the Hunter?

3. What happens to Stanley when he accepts an offer of a ride from Mad Jack?

4. What does Marcia explain to Boy 412 about the ring that he found?

5. What does DomDaniel do when he senses the presence of Jenna and Boy 412?

6. What kinds of preparations are done before the Big Freeze?

7. What does Stanley's wife, Dawnie, tell him as he is getting ready to leave?

8. What happens to Stanley, the Message Rat, after Mad Jack cages him?

9. What or who did the Hunter bring with him other than his apprentice to guard his prisoners on the way back to the castle?

10. Where does Boy 412 tell them that the dragon boat came from ,and how does he know?

(see the answer keys)

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