Madame Bovary Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Madame Bovary Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Emma's father do after the funeral?
(a) Stays at Yonville for a few days.
(b) Returns immediately to Bertaux.
(c) Spends time with Berthe.
(d) Pays a visit to Lhereux.

2. Who do Charles and Emma run into at the opera?
(a) Monsieur Homais.
(b) Léon.
(c) Monsieur Lhereux.
(d) Abbé Bournisien.

3. On what day of the week does Emma visit Léon in Rouen?
(a) Every other day.
(b) Thursdays.
(c) Saturdays.
(d) Sundays.

4. Where does Charles think Emma has gone?
(a) To see Rodolphe.
(b) To Rouen.
(c) To see Monsieur Homais.
(d) To the church.

5. Where do Emma and Léon meet when they are in the city?
(a) In a stagecoach.
(b) In a gaudily decorated hotel room.
(c) In Léon's apartment.
(d) At the home of Léon's employer.

6. Who does Emma call out for in her final moments?
(a) Léon.
(b) The blind man.
(c) Vicomte.
(d) Rodolphe.

7. What happens when Emma arrives back at her hotel?
(a) She has missed her coach to Yonville.
(b) She runs into Rodolphe.
(c) Charles is waiting for her.
(d) She has a letter waiting for her from Lhereux.

8. Who does Léon entertain that causes him to be late for a rendezvous with Emma?
(a) Monsieur Homais.
(b) Charles.
(c) Rodolphe.
(d) Monsieur Lhereux.

9. Why is another doctor called in to consult on the case?
(a) Because he has made a deal with Charles to split the proceeds.
(b) Because he is the boy's uncle.
(c) Because Hippolyte has gangrene.
(d) Because Homais wants another opinion.

10. Who runs the house while Emma is ill?
(a) Charles' mother.
(b) Monsieur Homais.
(c) Charles.
(d) Félicité.

11. How does Flaubert describe Emma's three days with Léon in Rouen?
(a) Like a true honeymoon.
(b) A nightmare.
(c) Tedious.
(d) Like a romance from Sir Walter Scott.

12. What is physically wrong with the beggar that Emma encounters on her way home to Yonville?
(a) He has a hunchback.
(b) He is covered with pestilent sores.
(c) He is missing his arms and legs.
(d) He is blind.

13. Where do Emma and Léon decide to meet each other?
(a) On a boat.
(b) At Léon's office.
(c) At the cathedral.
(d) At Léon's apartment.

14. Who is absent from Emma's funeral?
(a) All answers are correct.
(b) Léon.
(c) Rodolphe.
(d) Monsieur Binet.

15. What is Emma's emotion when she leaves Lhereux after finding out about the impending auction of her possessions?
(a) Despair.
(b) Ambivolence.
(c) Vengeance.
(d) Hope.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Emma receives Rodolphe's letter breaking it off with her, what is her first thought to do?

2. What does Emma threaten to do to her beloved piano?

3. When he visits Emma in Yonville, where does Léon first meet her?

4. What happens when Charles encounters Emma's supposed piano teacher, Mademoiselle Lempereur?

5. What happens to the money that Charles receives from one of his clients?

(see the answer keys)

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