Mad Love Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Mad Love Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was on the handle of the spoon found at the flea market in Section 3?
(a) A girl.
(b) A ring.
(c) A shoe.
(d) A cat.

2. When was The Communist Manifesto produced?
(a) 1848.
(b) 1890.
(c) 1900.
(d) 1795.

3. What is the original French title of Mad Love?
(a) L'Air de l'eau.
(b) L'Amour fou.
(c) L'Immaculée Conception.
(d) Manifeste du surréalisme.

4. Breton and his friend, in Section 3, associated the mask's original purpose as being what?
(a) German sabre mask.
(b) British sabre mask.
(c) French sabre mask.
(d) Russian sabre mask.

5. Who wrote Mad Love?
(a) Salvador Dali.
(b) Jacques Vaché.
(c) Andre Breton.
(d) Luis Bunuel.

Short Answer Questions

1. What term refers to a violent agitation or disturbance; commotion?

2. What is the first of the questions posed by Breton in Section 2?

3. What season was it that Breton went to the flea market with his friend in Section 3?

4. Mad Love was written as a continuation of what previous work which explored a relationship with a woman who later turned out to be mentally unstable?

5. Surrealist theory argues that what are important for the shock and surprise they elicit?

Short Essay Questions

1. What art form does Breton open Mad Love discussing? Why?

2. What artists were discussed by Breton in Section 1?

3. Who was Friedrich Engels? How did he influence Breton?

4. What questions did Breton pose in Section 2? Where were they published?

5. What did Breton note about Giacometti's sculpture in Section 3?

6. What was Breton's conclusion of the purpose of the objects in Section 3?

7. What did Breton write of "chance" in surrealist theory in Section 1?

8. What metaphor did Breton use in defining "convulsive beauty" in Section 1?

9. What lines of Lautremont's did Breton quote in Section 1? Why?

10. What did Breton write in the postscripts for Section 3?

(see the answer keys)

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