Objects & Places from Lunch Poems

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 92 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Objects & Places from Lunch Poems

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 92 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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New Yorkappears in Most Poems

Frank O'Hara lives here, and most of the poems in this collection take place here.

Detroitappears in Alma

A jewelry shop is opened here.

Rachmaninoffappears in On Rachaninoff's Birthday, Rhapsody

O'Hara describes this music as passionate, complex, and challenging.

Japanappears in 2 Poems from the Ohara Monogatari

When O'Hara visits this place, he drinks bourbon, visits shrines, and relaxes with a companion at the end of long days of touring.

Cambridgeappears in Cambridge

This place is portrayed by the poet as damp, drab, and cold.

Lunchappears in Most Poems

This the time O'Hara writes many of his poems.

Charmsappears in Personal Poem

O'Hara has a habit of carrying these for good luck.

515 Madison Avenueappears in Rhapsody

To O'Hara this is a representation of the lie of American capitalism, promising upward mobility but only offering subjugation.

Parisappears in Hotel Particulier

O'Hara believes this is a...

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