Lucy by the Sea Test | Final Test - Medium

Elizabeth Strout
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Lucy by the Sea Test | Final Test - Medium

Elizabeth Strout
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Book Two: Chapter 4, what do William and Lucy start doing every night?
(a) Going for walks together.
(b) Cooking dinner together.
(c) Sleeping in the same bed.
(d) Watching movies together.

2. In Book Two: Chapter 4, what do Lucy and William consider telling the girls?
(a) About a recent purchase.
(b) About a family secret.
(c) About their travel plans.
(d) About their relationship.

3. In Book Two: Chapter 1, what event triggers massive changes in Lucy's life?
(a) Meeting new friends in Maine.
(b) A visit to Old Sturbridge Village.
(c) A panic attack.
(d) A protest against racial injustice.

4. In Book Two: Chapter 3, how does Lucy feel about her hair and appearance?
(a) She is proud of her thin, blond hair.
(b) She does not care about her hair.
(c) She thinks she looks like her mother and does not like it.
(d) She wants to dye her hair a different color.

5. In Book Two: Chapter 5, what big question does William ask Lucy?
(a) If she wants to sell the house.
(b) If she wants to go on a trip.
(c) If she wants to buy a house.
(d) If she wants to move to New York.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Book Two: Chapter 5, why is the youngest kid in the gas station store parking lot called Sperm Peasley?

2. In Book Two: Chapter 3, what did Lucy notice about her hair after dyeing it?

3. In Book Two: Chapter 2, what did Lucy's mother believe about women who could not have babies?

4. In Book Two: Chapter 2, how does Lucy feel about Becka getting the virus?

5. In Book Two: Chapter 5, how does Lucy feel about writing the story mentioned in the text?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Book 2: Chapter 5, what theory does Lucy have about people who have losses and then think they are owed something?

2. In Book 2: Chapter 4, what is William's new calling, and who is Joe?

3. In Book 2: Chapter 1, what causes William to weep?

4. In Book 2: Chapter 3, what is William's plan in the story?

5. In Book 2: Chapter 4, why does the narrator miss her daughters so much, and what is preventing them from visiting her?

6. In Book 2: Chapter 3, who does Lucy tell about her sister finding God, and how do they react?

7. In Book 2: Chapter 5, why is William upset about his grandfather's money?

8. In Book 2: Chapter 1, what is the narrator's reaction when she hears that her daughter is attending protests in New Haven?

9. In Book 2: Chapter 4, what is William's tower and what does it symbolize to him?

10. In Book 2: Chapter 5, why does William feel like an idiot?

(see the answer keys)

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