Lucifer's Hammer Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Lucifer's Hammer Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Tim want?

2. What is the group comprised of who is assigned to help Harvey?

3. What has been erected around the Jellison property?

4. What does Tim hear?

5. Under whom has the power plant been operating?

Short Essay Questions

1. Discuss Maureen's conversation with the Reverend Varley and her response to it.

2. How does Tim and his group get admitted to the ranch?

3. What does one man who is scavenging with Deke say people are going to have to get used to, and do you think he is right?

4. How does Harvey help Maureen resolve her inner conflict?

5. What does Harvey find when he goes to search for his son and the other Boy Scouts and do you think Harvey makes the right decision?

6. What are Harvey and Mark doing at the opening to this section and what is their "take" on their efforts?

7. What does Al tell Harvey about Maureen?

8. What does Maureen struggle with when she is out inventorying supplies in the area?

9. What is the difficult part about guard duty at the Jellison stronghold?

10. What are a couple cultural changes that have happened with the comet strike?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Senator Jellison has an assistant quietly go about gathering survival supplies, though his formal statement is that there's no reason to panic. Discuss the following:

Do you think it is moral for officials who have greater knowledge than the average citizen about a possible future disaster to keep that information from the public? Discuss in context of this story and any personal knowledge you have from "real" life.

How can the government warn citizens to prepare for a disaster of this magnitude without causing total panic and a dangerous situation just from the panic?

Do you trust your government when it comes to receiving warnings about possible natural and/or man-made disasters that may affect you? Why or why not.

Essay Topic 2

While they are discussing the plan for survival if the comet is to hit, there's some dissent over the issue. Jellison makes the point that the best course is to pool resources, so the entire community can survive. While Ray says that it sounds like communism, George says that it makes sense to join together. Discuss the following:

Do you agree with George that it makes sense to pool resources? Why or why not.

If you had laid in huge amounts of survival supplies and were asked to share in a community setting, would you be willing? What could a group offer you that you do not have yourself if you planned ahead?

What is the number one problem with trying to survive in small numbers, say at the family level?

Essay Topic 3

Soon after the comet hits, Eric goes back to the Burbank Jail where he finds that a jailer has released all the prisoners except Fred. Eric, citing the fact that no one deserved to die locked in a cell, kills the murderer. Discuss the following:

Do you believe Eric did the right thing in killing Fred?

What if it were a prisoner where the certainty of his guilt was not proved; then what should Eric do?

What do you think should happen in the prisons across the United States where those serving time have been found guilty in a court of law? Should they be released from certain death if they remain locked up?

(see the answer keys)

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