Looking for Alaska Test | Final Test - Easy

John Green (author)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Looking for Alaska Test | Final Test - Easy

John Green (author)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does the Eagle say Alaska died in "the day after"?
(a) She overdosed on pills.
(b) She drowned in the lake.
(c) She was shot.
(d) She was in a car accident.

2. What does the police officer say Alaska's "BAL" registered when they tested her in "thirteen days after"?
(a) .08.
(b) .10.
(c) .24.
(d) .31.

3. How much money does Chip give to Maxx for his participation in the school prank in "one hundred two days after"?
(a) $200.
(b) $320.
(c) $440.
(d) $500.

4. Who drives Miles and the others to Alaska's funeral in "six days after"?
(a) The Eagle.
(b) Takumi.
(c) Miles.
(d) Chip.

5. What are Chip and Alaska doing while Takumi and Miles set fireworks on the campus as a distraction in “three days before”?
(a) Rigging a trap in Kevin's dorm room.
(b) Hacking into the school's computer system.
(c) Vandalizing the cafeteria.
(d) Lighting the Eagle's house on fire.

6. What does the Eagle catch Miles doing when he enters his dorm room in "twenty-seven days after"?
(a) Reading Playboy.
(b) Smoking a cigarette.
(c) Smoking marijuana.
(d) Drinking alcohol.

7. What word from "twenty days after" refers to a cliff with a vertical, nearly vertical, or overhanging face?
(a) Precipice.
(b) Prominence.
(c) Proscenium.
(d) Atrium.

8. What is the first of the "warning signs of suicide" that Chip and Miles find on the web in "fourteen days after"?
(a) Dropping school grades.
(b) Threatening suicide.
(c) Loss of interest in activities.
(d) Previous suicide attempts.

9. What is the name of Lara's roommate at the boarding school?
(a) Maureen.
(b) Holly.
(c) Marya.
(d) Katie.

10. What Buddhist doctrine "basically says that people don't have eternal souls," according to Miles?
(a) Karma.
(b) Reincarnation.
(c) Anatta.
(d) Namaste.

11. What is Lara's last name in the novel?
(a) Borosky.
(b) Anderson.
(c) Smith.
(d) Buterskaya.

12. What is the name of the drinking game that Alaska introduces to the others in the hideout in “two days before”?
(a) Three Man.
(b) Best Day/Worst Day.
(c) Rotten Quarters.
(d) Beer Pong.

13. What is the mystical sect of Islam that is discussed in the World Religions class in "twenty-one days after"?
(a) Balalaika.
(b) Kabbala.
(c) Hinduism.
(d) Sufism.

14. What does Miles receive as punishment from the Jury in "twenty-eight days after"?
(a) 10 work hours.
(b) 5 work hours.
(c) Suspension.
(d) Expulsion.

15. On what day of the week does Alaska's funeral take place in "six days after"?
(a) Sunday.
(b) Friday.
(c) Saturday.
(d) Thursday.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the name of Miles's former fourth-grade teacher?

2. The day after Alaska's funeral is what holiday in "seven days after"?

3. How far away from campus was Alaska when she died?

4. Who supposedly said as his last words, "I've had eighteen straight whiskeys. I do believe that's a record"?

5. Where does Miles say Dr. Hyde taught them there were days reserved for grave cleaning where you make gifts to the dead?

(see the answer keys)

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