Lightning Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Lightning Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Kokschka wondering while he looks at Laura in Chapter 1?
(a) When she will reach her full potential.
(b) How powerful she is.
(c) What part she plays in the traitor's plan.
(d) How he can get her.

2. What does Laura ask Daniel when he answers his door?
(a) Why?
(b) Can I come in?
(c) Is there a point to all this?
(d) Are you a sicko?

3. When Bob holds his baby girl, how does she look?
(a) Pensive.
(b) Angry.
(c) Sad.
(d) Afraid.

4. What does Laura find underneath her pillow when she goes to make her bed?
(a) A note from her guardian angel.
(b) A photograph.
(c) A new book.
(d) A tootsie roll.

5. What does the blond-haired man tell Bob is the reason that he was there?
(a) He needed milk.
(b) He happened along.
(c) He has been following that man.
(d) Watching him and Laura.

6. Where does Laura find the second figurine?
(a) In her coat pocket.
(b) In her bedroom.
(c) In her backpack.
(d) On the dash of her car.

7. What does Dr. Carlson say about the baby girl's hair?
(a) Her hair is thick and brown.
(b) She has a few red hairs standing out.
(c) It is curly and blond.
(d) She is bald.

8. What does Daniel tell Laura is the reason for giving her all the frogs?
(a) Her story spoke to him.
(b) His mother had had a frog collection.
(c) He loves frogs.
(d) He loves her.

9. What happens to Laura's father?
(a) Hit by a car.
(b) Stroke.
(c) Aneurysm.
(d) Heart attack.

10. What does Kokoschka say to Laura in the cemetery?
(a) You will be with your mother and father soon enough.
(b) You will be mine.
(c) He will fail.
(d) Why you?

11. What happens when Nina comes in and sees Laura lying under Sheener's body?
(a) She goes for a gun and shoots Sheener.
(b) She dies of a heart attack.
(c) She screams and runs out of the house.
(d) She tells Laura she must leave.

12. What did Lenny die of?
(a) Cancer.
(b) Pneumonia.
(c) Polio.
(d) Scarlet fever.

13. What does Stefan do to the owner of the Jeep that he steals?
(a) Ties him up.
(b) Shoots him in the foot.
(c) He never sees the owner.
(d) Hits him in the head with the end of the gun.

14. What does Stefan see that sickens him?
(a) Willy Sheener kidnapping Laura.
(b) Laura being murdered.
(c) Laura being hit by a train.
(d) Willy Sheener raping Laura.

15. What does Stefan notice about Sheener's home that is odd?
(a) There are finger paints on the wall.
(b) All the food looks like it was bought by a child.
(c) The pictures are all of small children playing.
(d) There is play dough everywhere.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is waiting for Laura when she exits Mrs. Bowmain's office?

2. How much is the initial offer on Laura's book, Shadrach?

3. What does Markwell notice about the strange man's eyes?

4. What do the Ackerson twins say that they did in order to get sent to McIlroy?

5. Where does the blue-eyed man leave the note for Markwell?

(see the answer keys)

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