The Legend of Sleepy Hollow Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does the author describe Brom Van Brunt?
(a) Straight hair and narrow shoulders.
(b) Curly dark hair and broad shoulders.
(c) Bald and medium build.
(d) Curly blonde hair and skinny shoulders.

2. Where is Ichabod originally from?
(a) Maryland.
(b) New York City.
(c) Connecticut.
(d) Virgina.

3. What is the name of the neighboring town described after the poem at the beginning of the story?
(a) New York City.
(b) Sleepy Hollow.
(c) Tarry Town.
(d) Buffalo.

4. Whose mouth "...watered as he looed upon this sumptous promise of luxurious winter fare?"
(a) Brom's.
(b) Baltus.
(c) Katrina's.
(d) Ichabod's.

5. What does Ichabod take a long time doing before going to the Van Tassel event?
(a) He eats a big meal.
(b) He cuts his hair.
(c) He washes his horse.
(d) He takes great care in his appearance.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Ichabod invited to do at the Van Tassel's home?

2. What is one thing Ichabod helps the farmers do?

3. Van Brunt is known in Sleepy Hollow for being what?

4. Where must the Headless Horseman return each day?

5. Where does the Horseman stop pursuits?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why is Ichabod's one-room school compared to an eelpot?

2. Why is Ichabod's appetite for the occult a necessary part of the plot?

3. How does the author set up the reader to expect anything to happen?

4. Why is it important that the reader knows the action part of the tale takes place thirty years previous to the time of the telling of the story?

5. What is the significance of Ichabod's voracious appetite throughout the story?

6. Why does the narrator describe the day he happened upon Sleepy Hollow?

7. What do the antics Brom Bones uses to derail Ichabod's efforts to win Katrina illustrate about his character?

8. What qualifies the tale at the beginning of the story?

9. What is the purpose of describing Tarry Town before actually talking about Sleepy Hollow where the story takes place?

10. Why does the narrator go into details about how Sleepy Hollow came to be so mythical?

(see the answer keys)

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