Laughter in the Dark Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Laughter in the Dark Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Axel tells the cook that Margot is _____________.
(a) Albert's cousin.
(b) Albert's sister.
(c) Albert's niece.
(d) Albert's daughter.

2. What happens when Margot lets Axel kiss her in Chapter 19?
(a) They are interrupted by Freida.
(b) Albert catches them in the act.
(c) Margot slaps him afterward.
(d) His button gets caught in her lace.

3. What does Albert remind Margot that he is buying for her in order to cheer her up in Chapter 24?
(a) New bedroom furniture.
(b) A car.
(c) A diamond necklace.
(d) A fur coat.

4. What does Axel say is "the point of life's joke" in Chapter 22?
(a) Illness.
(b) Marriage.
(c) Death.
(d) Divorce.

5. What does Irma hear from the street that makes her look outside in Chapter 19?
(a) A dog barking.
(b) Laughter.
(c) Her father's whistle.
(d) Children yelling.

6. What hangs in the back window of Albert's car?
(a) A miniature top hat.
(b) A plush monkey.
(c) A floral sachet.
(d) A tropical postcard.

7. What does Axel do while he works in his studio?
(a) Talks to himself.
(b) Whistles.
(c) Hums.
(d) Sings opera.

8. In Chapter 34, what does Margot read aloud to Albert in the hospital?
(a) The newspaper.
(b) The Bible.
(c) The Great Gatsby.
(d) A letter.

9. Which politician's name does Udo not recognize when Albert mentions him?
(a) Hitler.
(b) Mussolini.
(c) Stalin.
(d) Müller.

10. Whom does Margot run into on the street in her old neighborhood?
(a) Otto.
(b) Kaspar.
(c) Her father.
(d) Kurt.

11. What does Albert decide not to tell Udo about?
(a) He and Elisabeth have separated.
(b) Axel is gay.
(c) Irma has died.
(d) His relationship with Margot.

12. What is the destination of the mail plane mentioned in Chapter 32?
(a) Aix-en-Provence.
(b) Toulouse.
(c) Montreuil.
(d) St. Cassien.

13. What does the air at Rouginard smell of in Chapter 28?
(a) Citrus.
(b) Pine.
(c) Mint.
(d) Thyme.

14. What does Margot fling at Albert when he is trying to console her about her screen failure?
(a) An orange.
(b) A cushion.
(c) A newspaper.
(d) A vase.

15. At the beginning of Chapter 28, what does Albert try to find out?
(a) News from Germany.
(b) If Margot is having an affair.
(c) If Axel can drive them to Spain.
(d) Udo's address.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 27, where does Albert run off to thinking he will still be able to catch his bus?

2. Who had been Albert, Margot, and Axel's dining room neighbor for the last two or three days in Chapter 29?

3. What does Axel find left behind in Albert and Margot's hotel room?

4. Why does Albert stop the car suddenly in Chapter 31?

5. What was noticeable about the film manager whom Albert introduced to Margot in Chapter 23?

(see the answer keys)

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