The Last of the Mohicans Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Last of the Mohicans Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What saves them from the Frenchman who discovers them?
(a) Alice's ragged skirts
(b) Cora's perfect French
(c) Heyward's French accent
(d) Chingashgook's pidgin French

2. How do Hawkeye, Uncas, and Chingachgook leave to find help?
(a) separately, walking along the banks of the river
(b) headed first in the wrong direction to confuse the Iroquois
(c) floating down the river
(d) Uncas alone and Hawkeye and Chingachgook together

3. What advice does Hawkeye give as they battle the Iroquois?
(a) to conserve their shots
(b) to keep their heads down
(c) to keep up a constant barrage of gunfire
(d) not to shoot till they can see the whites of their eyes

4. What do Heywood and his party not realize?
(a) They have made a wrong turn.
(b) They do not have enough provisions.
(c) Fort Henry has been defeated.
(d) They are being watched.

5. What does Uncas find?
(a) Alice's Bible
(b) Cora's scalp
(c) David's harmonica
(d) a piece of Alice's veil

6. What threat is spotted by Hawkeye near a waterfall?
(a) Magua with a rifle
(b) mountain lions
(c) five Iroquois
(d) a pack of wolves

7. What is one thing Col. Munro says he never thought he would see?
(a) A Frenchman too honest to profit by his advantage.
(b) Indians coming to his rescue.
(c) A battle that lasted more than twenty days.
(d) His daughters getting married.

8. What encourages the searchers?
(a) a place where Alice stopped to rest
(b) a note dropped by Cora
(c) a trail left by Cora and Magua
(d) a trail of coins dropped by someone

9. Who actually goes to the dinner?
(a) Alice Munro
(b) Colonel Munro
(c) Cora Munro
(d) Duncan Heyward

10. What is the purpose of Fort Henry and Fort Edward?
(a) way stations for British soldiers headed for the front
(b) decoys to fool the advancing French army
(c) defense against the invading French
(d) coach stations for British travelers

11. How many people march out of Ft. Henry?
(a) over three hundred
(b) over thirty
(c) over one thousand
(d) over three thousand

12. Who spots the four hiding in the back of the cave?
(a) Hawkeye who returns unexpectedly
(b) Magua, also called Renard
(c) an Iroquois squaw
(d) Uncas who has doubled back

13. At what time does Hawkeye wake everyone to resume their trip to Ft. Henry?
(a) noon the next day
(b) at first light
(c) six in the morning
(d) around midnight

14. Where do they stop to rest?
(a) a pony express station
(b) a decayed blockhouse
(c) under a giant oak
(d) a hunter's cabin

15. What happens to the evacuees from Ft. Henry?
(a) 2000 Indians attack them
(b) the French open fire
(c) the women and children fall behand
(d) they get into quicksand

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the message for Ft. Henry?

2. How is Heyward nearly wounded?

3. What do they conclude has frightened the horses?

4. When does the group prepare to move away from the blockhouse?

5. Who is the man of European stock waiting a few miles westward of Heyward and the Munro girls?

(see the answer keys)

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