Lady Oracle Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Lady Oracle Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What solution does Joan offer to Arthur's political group?
(a) To sleep on their ideas and decide in the morning.
(b) To blow up peace bridge.
(c) To stop acting out.
(d) To resolve issues peacefully.

2. Why does the reporter lend Joan plane fare?
(a) For a ticket to France.
(b) So she can return to Canada to rescue Sam and Marlene.
(c) To bribe her.
(d) As a gift.

3. Who confesses to the police that she took her father's dynamite?
(a) Marlene.
(b) Charlotte.
(c) Felicia.
(d) Joan.

4. What does Joan bring the reporter in the hospital?
(a) Food.
(b) Magazines.
(c) Flowers.
(d) Books.

5. Now that Joan is living in Terremoto, what is happening with the sale of her book?
(a) Sales are rapidly increasing.
(b) Slight increase.
(c) Staying the same.
(d) No one is interested.

6. Toward the end of the novel, who does Joan imagine suffocating her while she relaxes on her balcony in Terremoto?
(a) Her landlord.
(b) Her mother's ghost.
(c) The Fat Lady.
(d) The Butcher.

7. Why won't Joan write any more Costume Gothics?
(a) She forgot how.
(b) She has no more plot ideas.
(c) She doesn't have time.
(d) She thinks they are bad for her.

8. Why does Joan fall into the water?
(a) Marlene pushes her in.
(b) The boom hits her.
(c) She jumps off the boat.
(d) Sam capsizes the boat.

9. What name does Joan use to purchase a ticket to Rome?
(a) Louisa K. Delacourt.
(b) Joan Foster.
(c) Joan Delacourt.
(d) Lou Foster.

10. What does Joan hide in Royal Porcupine's basement?
(a) Secret journals.
(b) Books.
(c) Dynamite.
(d) Old pamphlets.

11. What kind of art does Joan find at the art show?
(a) Porcupine sculptures.
(b) Freezers containing run-over dead animals.
(c) Bird watercolors.
(d) Bronzes of animals.

12. Why can't Joan drive her car?
(a) She has a flat tire.
(b) The gas has been drained.
(c) The window is smashed.
(d) It has been stolen.

13. What action does Joan fear from Chuck Brewer?
(a) Bad driving.
(b) Murder-suicide.
(c) Exposing her past.
(d) Making her cry.

14. Who does Joan want to get out of jail in Toronto?
(a) Sam.
(b) Sam and Marlene.
(c) Royal Porcupine.
(d) Mr. Morgan.

15. What is the man's profession who is looking for Joan in Terremoto near the end of the book?
(a) Editor.
(b) Book publisher.
(c) Reporter.
(d) Salesman.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Joan plan to leave town?

2. What does Marlene claim she did to help Joan out of the water?

3. What does Arthur do to the police officer?

4. What happens to the reporter when Joan opens the door of her flat in Terremoto?

5. Who is Joan having an affair with?

(see the answer keys)

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