King of Shadows Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

King of Shadows Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who was Nat nervous about meeting?

2. Why does the nameless Lord ask Shakespeare to cancel one of the performances at the Globe?

3. Whose voice sounds somewhat like Elizabethan English?

4. Who does Arby kick out of the company?

5. What does Nat say as to how his father died?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Roper conspire to make Nat look bad?

2. Where do the apprentices go after classes?

3. What does Roper suggest the boys do and what does Nat feel he must go?

4. What does Nat learn about the Globe Theater of 1599?

5. What does Nat notice about Eric Sawyer and Gil Warmun as the two other boys are acting?

6. What are some of the things that seem different to Nat when he wakes?

7. How does Nat increase his acting skills, in particular playing the character of Puck?

8. How does Nat respond when Shakespeare calls the group a family and what does Shakespeare do?

9. What amazes Nat about London when he is on his way to the Globe?

10. What is the purpose of the games and what does Nat think of some of the games?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

King of Shadows belongs to the literary genre of historical fiction. Discuss the following:

1. Thoroughly define the term genre and offer examples of it from your own reading experience. Why do you think it is useful to categorize fiction into genres? What could be a disadvantage of doing so?

2. What do you think is the main motivation for a person to read an historical fiction novel? Is entertainment a good enough reason? Are there any other reasons to read this genre? What? Explain fully.

3. In "academe," historical fiction novels are often thought of as less literary than some other genres and for that reason are sometimes "snubbed" in the study of literature. Why do you think this is so? Do you agree with this "snobbery"?

Essay Topic 2

Choose one of the following to discuss:

1. Compare/contrast Arby and Richard Burbage. How are they alike? How are they different? Are they both protagonists? Antagonists? Or? Are they likable characters? How critical are they to the plot of King of Shadows? Who do you like the most of the two? Why? Do you think they each are critical to the success of King of Shadows?

2. Compare/contrast Nat of 1999 at the beginning of the story with the Nat of 1999 at the end of the story. How are they alike? How are they different? Are they both protagonists? Antagonists? Or? Are they likable characters? How critical are they to the plot of "King of Shadows"? Who do you like the most of the two? Why? Do you think they each are critical to the success of King of Shadows?

3. Compare/contrast Shakespeare and Nat's (of 1999) father. How are they alike? How are they different? Are they both protagonists? Antagonists? Or? Are they likable characters? How critical are they to the plot of "King of Shadows"? Who do you like the most of the two? Why? Do you think they each are critical to the success of "King of Shadows"?

Essay Topic 3

In order to set up the plot, the writer has to introduce an implausible events. Discuss the following:

1. Research and define the term "narrative contrivance" and give several examples of it from other books and movies you have read.

2. Analyze the the event that seems a bit too far fetched that sets the rest of the story in motion. Is there any way theses "contrivances" could be left out and the plot move forward in much the same way that it does? What other ways are there to have gotten the same results?

3. Is much of fiction in some ways a contrivance? Why or why not.

(see the answer keys)

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