Kim Jiyoung, Born 1982 Test | Final Test - Medium

Cho Nam-Joo
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Kim Jiyoung, Born 1982 Test | Final Test - Medium

Cho Nam-Joo
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Hyesu came to visit Jiyoung and her baby, what did she tell her was found in the women’s bathroom at work?
(a) A bag of money.
(b) Free sanitary napkins.
(c) A spy cam.
(d) Broken toilets.

2. During what part of her pregnancy did Jiyoung suffer morning sickness?
(a) The entire pregnancy.
(b) First trimester.
(c) Second trimester.
(d) Third trimester.

3. What did Jiyoung overhear a hiking club member say dating Jiyoung would be like?
(a) Chewing gum that someone spat out.
(b) Eating food someone else cooked.
(c) Going out with a clown.
(d) Talking to a bag of rocks.

4. What years are covered in the chapter “Early Adulthood”?
(a) 2001-2011.
(b) 2011-2016.
(c) 2005-2011.
(d) 2001-2005.

5. What final incident ended Jiyoung’s relationship with her boyfriend in “Adulthood”?
(a) He cheated on her.
(b) She cheated on him.
(c) She got drunk at a work dinner.
(d) She stopped buying him things.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did the division head of another company Jiyoung’s company had worked with compliment Jiyoung on at a dinner party one night?

2. Who is meeting for the first time at the beginning of “Marriage”?

3. How did Jiyoung’s boyfriend change after entering the army?

4. Who paid for Daehyun and Jiyoung’s wedding and honeymoon?

5. What did Jiyoung do for work when she started college?

Short Essay Questions

1. Where did Jiyoung receive her first job offer?

2. What did Jiyoung’s father brag about when he came home after drinking with his former colleagues one night?

3. What conversation regarding housekeeping did Jiyoung’s mother and future mother-in-law have during their first meeting?

4. Why did Jiyoung’s first closest friend at college have to take a leave of absence from school?

5. Though Jiyoung had told her husband’s family they were not planning on having children right away what did the family members assume the real reason must be?

6. Why did Jiyoung ultimately agree that their child should keep her father’s surname rather than her mothers?

7. What did Jiyoung learn while out for drinks with colleagues that weekend her “drive and faith” (112) when it came to her work?

8. Why was it ultimately decided that Jiyoung would leave her work after they had a child rather than return or take maternity leave?

9. What business decisions did Jiyoung’s family make that resulted in them doing well financially?

10. Why did Kim Eunsil think she may have set a bad precedent for other female employees in the company?

(see the answer keys)

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