Killing Patton Test | Final Test - Easy

Bill O'Reilly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Killing Patton Test | Final Test - Easy

Bill O'Reilly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 21, how far was General Walther Wenck from Berlin?
(a) 35 miles.
(b) 25 miles.
(c) 20 miles.
(d) 30 miles.

2. When did the Germans begin to develop an atomic bomb?
(a) February 1939.
(b) April 1939.
(c) January 1939.
(d) March 1939.

3. At the end of Chapter 16, when did Patton's Third Army cross the Rhine River?
(a) March 22.
(b) March 26.
(c) March 11.
(d) March 24.

4. How old was Roosevelt in Chapter 18?
(a) 61.
(b) 63.
(c) 69.
(d) 65.

5. At the end of Chapter 19, how long did Winston Churchill speak about Roosevelt and his death to Parliament?
(a) 20 minutes.
(b) 10 minutes.
(c) 15 minutes.
(d) 45 minutes.

6. Beginning with Eisenhower, for how long had every successive president served in World War II?
(a) 39 years.
(b) 51 years.
(c) 42 years.
(d) 38 years.

7. In Chapter 13, when did the practice of a presidential invocation begin at inaugurations?
(a) 1933.
(b) 1937.
(c) 1929.
(d) 1941.

8. When did Winston Churchill first criticize Nazi Germany?
(a) 1930s.
(b) 1941.
(c) 1920s.
(d) 1939.

9. When was Helena Citronova sent to Auschwitz?
(a) 1942.
(b) 1943.
(c) 1941.
(d) 1944.

10. In Chapter 21, what was drunk by Braun and several secretaries to celebrate Hitler's birthday?
(a) Red whine.
(b) White wine.
(c) Vodka.
(d) Champagne.

11. In Chapter 13, how many grandchildren did Roosevelt have?
(a) 9.
(b) 16.
(c) 13.
(d) 11.

12. How many Spirtfires did Churchill give Stalin's air force?
(a) 1,000.
(b) 875.
(c) 950.
(d) 945.

13. In Chapter 16, when was Patton finally able to advance into Germany?
(a) February 10, 1945.
(b) March 13, 1945.
(c) March 21, 1945.
(d) February 28, 1945.

14. At the end of Chapter 17, who would read to Hitler?
(a) Bormann.
(b) Flegel.
(c) Goebbels.
(d) Braun.

15. What was Eva Braun wearing when she committed suicide at the end of Chapter 21?
(a) Pink checked dress.
(b) White dress.
(c) Black dress with roses.
(d) Blue satin dress.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 17, how close was the Russian army to Berlin?

2. In Chapter 22, where was Patton stationed?

3. From what state was Harry S. Truman from?

4. How many security points were there in Chapter 17 to enter Hitler's bunker?

5. In Chapter 21, how many soldiers and civillians did General Wenck lead across the Elbe where he surrendered to the Americans?

(see the answer keys)

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