July's People Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

July's People Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did July’s wife give up for the Smalls?
(a) Her hut.
(b) Her stove.
(c) Her extra bed.
(d) Her car.

2. What does Maureen notice about the value of money to the villagers?
(a) They don’t know what money is.
(b) It has little meaning.
(c) It means more than life.
(d) It has significant meaning.

3. What does Bam help July build in Section 3?
(a) A stable.
(b) A well.
(c) A water tank.
(d) A new hut.

4. What does Maureen send Royce to tell July in Section 5?
(a) That she is angry with him.
(b) That she wants him to come see her.
(c) That she wants her keys back.
(d) That she wants him to go to town.

5. Why is July hurt by Maureen in Section 5?
(a) He feels he should go home.
(b) He feels she doesn’t trust him.
(c) He feels she is betraying him.
(d) He feels she is mistreating his family.

6. What does Bam mean when he notes that “women are cowards”?
(a) He means women are weak.
(b) He means women choose to strike when they are at their strongest.
(c) He means women choose to strike when men are at their weakest.
(d) He means women are manipulative.

7. What does July’s wife experience for the first time when she meets Maureen?
(a) The meeting of a white woman.
(b) She’s never heard English.
(c) She’s never seen a white.
(d) The touching of white skin.

8. In Section 1, where are the children sleeping, once in the hut?
(a) Hammocks.
(b) Beds.
(c) The floor.
(d) Car seats.

9. How does Maureen get the keys from July in Section 4?
(a) She tells him she needs to go to town.
(b) She tells him she wants to get the mats from the floor.
(c) She tells him she doesn’t trust him.
(d) She tells him Bam is angry.

10. What is Maureen afraid of, in terms of the children and the water?
(a) It is too warm.
(b) It is too cold.
(c) Illness.
(d) Feces.

11. What does Maureen do when she menstruates?
(a) Bathes several times a day in the river.
(b) Places a pad properly.
(c) Places rags between her legs.
(d) She does nothing.

12. What is July’s reaction to the medication his wife gave Maureen?
(a) He tells her not to use it.
(b) He tells her to sell it.
(c) He tells her to take it.
(d) He tells her to throw it away.

13. What does Bam do to try to reconcile after his argument with Maureen in Section 3?
(a) He sings to her.
(b) He reads to her.
(c) He talks to her.
(d) He leaves her alone.

14. What does Royce continue to ask to do in Section 3?
(a) Go to school.
(b) Eat meat.
(c) Go to movies.
(d) Go home.

15. In Section 3, what has Maureen noticed about items in the village?
(a) They are purchased by July.
(b) They are expensive.
(c) They are handmade.
(d) They are stolen by July from her home.

Short Answer Questions

1. How much time has passed since Maureen and Bam left Johannesburg?

2. Why does Maureen not enter July’s hut?

3. What did Maureen’s father do for a living?

4. Why do the blacks not kill the warthogs?

5. What does Maureen realize about herself when she bathes in Section 1?

(see the answer keys)

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