Journey to the East Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Journey to the East Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Part II, what does H.H. say most historians want to do?
(a) Portray only what is important to them.
(b) Portray events as they see them.
(c) Portray events sincerely.
(d) Portray only what they want to remember.

2. What is the unanimously observed rule of the group?
(a) Pay homage to all the ancient places of the League.
(b) Go to Africa and rescue a member from the Moors.
(c) Preach their gospel to all they met.
(d) Convert unbelievers along their journey,

3. What does the narrator say each member on the Journey East has to have?
(a) A common goal.
(b) Their own private goals.
(c) Food enough to share with each traveller.
(d) Sturdy boots and clothing.

4. How does the narrator describe all the artists, poets, and musicians among the group in Part I?
(a) Distracting the group from their goal.
(b) The chief source of comfort for the group.
(c) Animated yet half-real, half-there.
(d) Gracious hosts at the feast in Zurich.

5. How is Leo described by H.H. in Part II?
(a) He has a handsome face and good humor.
(b) He is no longer important to the journey.
(c) He is a thief.
(d) He is old and wise.

6. What do the officials instruct the narrator to do once he is a member of the League?
(a) Stand vigil over the sacred book for one full day and night.
(b) Meditate and prepare his body and soul to accept the Tao.
(c) Fast for forty days to prove he is worthy of the task before him.
(d) Attach himself to a group of ten people en route to the expidition.

7. Where does the group camp as Part II begins?
(a) In an oasis in the Sahara.
(b) A narrow mountain gorge on the Italian border.
(c) A dark forest in Greece.
(d) A meadow in the Alps.

8. In Part I, how does the narrator describe encounters with different parties?
(a) As pleasant, festive days.
(b) Different parties are very secretive.
(c) Parties ban together for the rest of the journey.
(d) As difficult and confusing.

9. What or who does H.H. say historical events happen to?
(a) The nameless.
(b) The victors.
(c) The participants.
(d) The future.

10. How does H.H. describe certain articles in Part II?
(a) As proofs that the League existed.
(b) As seemingly indispensable things.
(c) As precious tokens of their journey.
(d) As meaningless ornaments of the world.

11. Who or what occupies the narrator's thoughts the most on the journey in Part I?
(a) The Holy Grail.
(b) Solomon's Key.
(c) The Speaker.
(d) Leo.

12. According to H.H., what must the historian do to allow meaning into a narrative?
(a) Provide a common thread of knowlege for all of history.
(b) Remain as true to the actual events as possible.
(c) Create realistic scenes with vivid imagery.
(d) Invent units, heroes, nations, and ideas.

13. What does the narrator do at the end of his probation year in the League?
(a) Climbs the mystical mountain to study under the League leader.
(b) Dedicates his body and soul to the Journey East.
(c) Chooses a life of poverty and prayer.
(d) Pays his dues to become a full member.

14. What does the Leader say about "grace" in Part I?
(a) It cannot be bought.
(b) Once found it cannot be lost.
(c) It is regained by repentance.
(d) It is not recognized by common people.

15. What happens to H.H.'s first attempt to tell his story?
(a) He is too sad to remember the events.
(b) He is brought to a halt by a single, small episode.
(c) He believes the journey is not worth remembering.
(d) He loses his journal.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who or what does H.H. say is the basis of his community in Part II?

2. What does the narrator say is in the East that disciples are traveling towards?

3. In Part I, what does the narrator believe is his great fortune?

4. Mohamed's coffin is believed to hold what magical power?

5. Who unexpectedly disappears from the journey as Part II opens?

(see the answer keys)

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