Journey Into the Whirlwind Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Journey Into the Whirlwind Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Ginzburg allowed at Magadan Infirmary?
(a) To receive letters from home.
(b) To help care for the patients.
(c) To eat better.
(d) To take baths.

2. What does Polina Melnikova explain to the new prisoners?
(a) How to cheat the quota system.
(b) How to make ice shelters.
(c) How to stay warm in the cold.
(d) How to find trees that have a weakness and can be cut more easily.

3. Who is Pickwick?
(a) The doctor who treats Julia and Ginzburg.
(b) A new prisoner.
(c) The new prison Governor.
(d) A kind, elderly guard.

4. What is interesting about the prison library?
(a) There are copies of publicly-banned books.
(b) The books are all written by primarily English and American authors.
(c) They are stocked with books about God.
(d) Each book is only allowed to be checked out one time for one day.

5. To which hut is Ginzburg assigned after leaving the infirmary?
(a) 8.
(b) 21.
(c) 2.
(d) 12.

6. For how long is Ginzburg at Yaroslavl?
(a) A little over two years.
(b) Her entire prison sentence.
(c) Just a couple months.
(d) About a year.

7. How is Julia and Ginzburg's existence described?
(a) Bleak.
(b) Dismal.
(c) Structured.
(d) Fairly comfortable.

8. Whom does Ginzburg have in mind as she is writing her memoirs?
(a) Her granddaughter.
(b) Her husband.
(c) Her mother.
(d) Her grandson.

9. What is familiar about the journey the women are making?
(a) It still has searches, meal routines and ration stops.
(b) They have fairly decent food.
(c) There's good medical care.
(d) They are each given two sets of good clothing.

10. Who is "Grandma" Nastya?
(a) The woman who receives the shortest sentence.
(b) The only woman who receives a fifteen year sentence.
(c) The only woman who is acquitted.
(d) The only other woman who receives a ten-year sentence.

11. What strikes Ginzburg when talking with Tulub?
(a) Tulub has such a strong faith in a god force.
(b) Tulub still believes in the greater good of Communism.
(c) Tulub is so optimistic despite everything she's been through.
(d) Ginzburg feels that Ginzburg's life story Ginzburg is telling is someone else's.

12. What does Ginzburg say is at the base of the walls in her cell?
(a) Blood stains.
(b) Mold.
(c) Mementos of previous prisoners.
(d) Names and dates sculpted on the stone.

13. Who is Vasily Petukhov?
(a) A lawyer from Moscow.
(b) The new prison camp director.
(c) A guard who often whips prisoners.
(d) A doctor from Leningrad.

14. What makes Tanya Stankovskaya happy?
(a) Receiving a long letter from her children.
(b) Having a bunk on the train.
(c) Seeing her husband among the prisoners.
(d) Being given a release.

15. What happens that brightens the prisoners' lives?
(a) They are allowed monthly visitors.
(b) The library is reopened.
(c) They are allowed weekly visitors.
(d) They receive reductions in their sentences for good behavior.

Short Answer Questions

1. What are the prisoners told to do before being transferred?

2. What language does Ginzburg know that helps her get an easier assignment?

3. What does Maria Nimtsevitskaya give Ginzburg?

4. With what are Ginzburg and Julia becoming disillusioned?

5. What does Ginzburg learn at the end of June?

(see the answer keys)

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