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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. What does Blanche do when Annie visits on Easter Day in April?
(a) Plays a piano.
(b) Pulls up her gown to expose herself.
(c) Recites a poem.
(d) Draws a picture.
2. Why does Blanche have such a hard time eating the cake Annie brings?
(a) She can't hold her fork properly.
(b) She can't sit up.
(c) She can't find her mouth.
(d) She can't stop coughing.
3. How does Annie characterize her mother's personality when she was well?
(a) Flamboyant.
(b) Sullen.
(c) Pleasant.
(d) Reserved.
4. What does Annie bring each time she visits her mother?
(a) Music CDs.
(b) Food
(c) Clothes.
(d) Magazines.
5. What does Annie recall about her mother's temperament?
(a) She had a violent temper.
(b) She was very docile.
(c) She was always laughing.
(d) She was extremely shy.
6. What does Annie recall her mother saying about her after Annie's sister died?
(a) I'm glad I still have Annie with me.
(b) The other one was prettier.
(c) She's not nearly as nice as the other one.
(d) Annie is so much like her sister.
7. What did Annie feel was her role after her sister died?
(a) Replacement.
(b) Comedian.
(c) Poor substitute.
(d) Grief counselor.
8. The nurses tell Annie that her mother is always talking about _______________.
(a) Annie.
(b) Old boyfriends.
(c) Her house.
(d) Soap opera characters.
9. How does Annie respond to the ways people try to comfort her?
(a) Confused.
(b) Appreciative.
(c) Frustrated.
(d) Respectful.
10. How many years did Annie's mother wear gray or black clothing in mourning for her mother?
(a) 10.
(b) 7.
(c) 18.
(d) 3.
11. Why does Annie feel guilty regarding her mother?
(a) That she couldn't care for her in her own home.
(b) That she talked about her behind her back.
(c) That she swore at her.
(d) That she never came home for Christmas holidays.
12. Annie's grief nearly _______________ her.
(a) Chokes.
(b) Kills.
(c) Stifles.
(d) Paralyzes.
13. In what does Annie find some small comfort related to her mother?
(a) Reading some stories her mother had written.
(b) Seeing her mother smile at her.
(c) Listening to records she used to like.
(d) Remembering her mother's unique sayings.
14. How do the patients behave in their senility?
(a) Belligerently.
(b) Aggressive.
(c) Docilely.
(d) Childlike.
15. Which of the following does Annie NOT do for her mother?
(a) Shaves her face.
(b) Trims her nails.
(c) Brings her cake.
(d) Balances her checkbook.
Short Answer Questions
1. What is Annie's state of mind at her mother's death?
2. How does Annie feel knowing that her mother is going to die?
3. How does Annie plan to dispose of her mother's belongings?
4. What is an important motif in this chapter?
5. What happened to Annie's mother the year Annie's grandmother died?
This section contains 447 words (approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page) |
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