Invisible Monsters Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Invisible Monsters Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What landmark do Brandy, Shannon, and Seth visit in Seattle?
(a) The Space Needle.
(b) The Grand Canyon.
(c) The Sears Tower.
(d) The Empire State Building.

2. What topic does her mother and father discuss at the dinner table on the Thanksgiving before Shannon's accident?
(a) They discuss what to sew on Shane's memorial quilt.
(b) They discuss what Shannon has done with her career.
(c) They discuss Brandy's new dress.
(d) They discuss Shannon's younger sister.

3. What objects fill an entire drawer in Shannon's kitchen and make her mother suspicious?
(a) Receipts.
(b) Plastic baggies.
(c) Pictures.
(d) Matchbooks.

4. What disease kills Shannon's brother?
(a) Muscular Dystrophy.
(b) Diabetes.
(c) Cancer.
(d) AIDS.

5. What name does the little boy in the store call Shannon?
(a) He calls her Frankenstein.
(b) He calls her a freak.
(c) He calls her a monster.
(d) He calls her an angel.

6. How is Shane's face disfigured?
(a) He is burning the trash when a full can of hairspray in the trash can explodes.
(b) He is in a horrible car accident like Shannon.
(c) He cuts himself shaving.
(d) He falls into an old mining shaft.

7. What has Shannon told her parents to avoid telling them about the accident?
(a) She tells them that she is taking a vow of silence.
(b) She tells them that she is visiting a friend in Australia.
(c) She tells them that she is going on a retreat to Tibet.
(d) She tells them that she is on a shoot in Mexico.

8. Why is Seth so fixated on television?
(a) He has never seen or heard a television show and he cannot imagine what one looks like.
(b) He is obsessed with soap operas and constantly concerned he will miss one.
(c) He has come up with a theory that claims television makes people like God.
(d) He is pitching a new idea for a daytime television show.

9. What is Shannon's family nickname?
(a) Shan.
(b) Little bit.
(c) Shannie.
(d) Bump.

10. What sound does Shannon hear from downstairs?
(a) She hears a window break.
(b) She hears the doorbell ring.
(c) She hears a police siren.
(d) She hears the cat meow.

11. What childhood memory is painful for Evie during their show in the department store?
(a) Her parents want her to be a boy.
(b) Her parents neglect her and left her destitute.
(c) Her parents love her sister the most.
(d) Her parents are very demanding of her.

12. What speaking technique does the Speech Therapist want Shannon to use?
(a) Extreme enunciation.
(b) Proper diction.
(c) Ventriloquism.
(d) Sign language.

13. How does Shannon meet Brandy?
(a) They meet in a bar the day before the accident.
(b) They meet in the hospital after Shannon's accident.
(c) They meet at an industry party.
(d) They meet on a modeling shoot.

14. What piece of jewelry does SIster Katherine wear?
(a) She wears a wedding ring.
(b) She wears gold earrings.
(c) She wears a diamond broach.
(d) She wears a silver necklace.

15. Where has Evie gone for her model shoot?
(a) Cancun.
(b) London.
(c) Sydney.
(d) Texas.

Short Answer Questions

1. What aspect of Shannon's life is Brandy constantly changing?

2. Where does Evie's family get their money?

3. What infomercial are Evie and Shannon in together?

4. What does Brandy give to Shannon after she tells her story?

5. What does Shannon find in Evie's closet?

(see the answer keys)

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