Incident at Hawk's Hill Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Incident at Hawk's Hill Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After the initial digging, the badger moves away and begins to dig again at what distance from the first site?
(a) 360 yards.
(b) Fifty feet.
(c) A mile.
(d) Two feet.

2. What reputation does the neighbor have with the townspeople of Winnipeg?
(a) They don't know anything about him.
(b) They think he's a coward and a bully.
(c) They are afraid of him.
(d) They think he is kind and friendly.

3. What favor does the new neighbor ask of William MacDonald?
(a) To borrow MacDonald's horse.
(b) To hide out at MacDonald's house.
(c) To trap on MacDonald's land.
(d) To buy MacDonald's crops.

4. From how far away can a male badger detect a female's scent?
(a) Two miles.
(b) Fifty feet.
(c) Eight miles.
(d) Twelve yards.

5. In Chapter One, what is William's attitude toward Ben?
(a) William thinks Ben is too big for his age.
(b) William thinks Ben isn't normal.
(c) William thinks Ben is perfectly average.
(d) William thinks Ben is disrespectful.

6. Where does Burton decide to set his trap after the male badger's death?
(a) Near the female's den.
(b) Near the stream.
(c) Near the MacDonald farm.
(d) Near the prairie dog town.

7. How much money does Burton say he can make off the male badger's pelt?
(a) Five or six dollars.
(b) Twelve or fifteen dollars.
(c) Eighteen or twenty dollars.
(d) Thirty or forty dollars.

8. Lord Selkirk, who manages the Hudson Bay Company, brings in settlers from which country to farm the Winnipeg area?
(a) England.
(b) France.
(c) America.
(d) Scotland.

9. As Chapter One opens, what animal is Ben MacDonald following?
(a) Deer.
(b) Rabbit.
(c) Hen.
(d) Mouse.

10. In Chapter Three, how is the relationship between William and Esther?
(a) They barely speak to each other.
(b) They are closer than ever.
(c) They are fighting less than they used to.
(d) They are fighting more than they used to.

11. How does the female badger free herself from the trap?
(a) She separates the trap from the chain.
(b) She chews off the part of her body stuck in the trap.
(c) She manages to pry the trap open.
(d) She separates the chain from the rock.

12. From what country was the man who originally built Fort Rouge near Winnipeg?
(a) England.
(b) Spain.
(c) Canada.
(d) France.

13. At the beginning of Chapter Two, how old is the female badger?
(a) Two.
(b) Eight.
(c) Ten.
(d) Four.

14. According to the author at the end of Chapter Two, a normal life span for a badger is how long?
(a) Twenty-five years.
(b) Six years.
(c) Ten years.
(d) Fourteen years.

15. Normally the badger is a nocturnal animal. Why was she out during the day she encountered Ben?
(a) She is unable to sleep because her babies are too loud.
(b) She knows a storm is coming and needs to hunt early.
(c) She needs a great deal of food to produce milk.
(d) She smells Ben and is curious to find out what he is.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does the female badger take shelter after collapsing in her den?

2. The North West Company's original fort is seized and destroyed by the Hudson Bay Company; what is the name of the fort that replaces this original fort?

3. What noise does the author say Ben makes in Chapter Three that seems to soothe any animal?

4. While the female badger is digging, what other animal catches her attention for a few minutes?

5. As Chapter Five opens, Burton arrives at the MacDonald farm just in time for what?

(see the answer keys)

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