In Custody: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

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In Custody: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Nur tell Deven he wants the college to do for him since Deven's lack of response is "hastening [his] early death" (183)?
(a) Commission a painting of Nur for the Urdu department.
(b) Name a building after him.
(c) Allow him to teach.
(d) Allow his son to attend school for free.

2. How long has Deven been trying to interview Nur by the time Murad calls and tells him to wrap it up?
(a) 1 month.
(b) 6 days.
(c) 6 weeks.
(d) 3 weeks.

3. Why does Jain send his nephew Chiku with Deven?
(a) To act as his servant.
(b) He is studying Urdu.
(c) To help with the tape recorder.
(d) To act as his guide.

4. What does Mr. Rai give to Deven the day after the annual board meeting?
(a) Approval paperwork to purchase a tape recorder.
(b) A slip saying he has been fired.
(c) A letter informing him of his salary increase.
(d) A blank check to do with what he pleases.

5. What family plans does Deven break in order to interview Nur at the end of Chapter 8?
(a) A cousin's wedding.
(b) A trip to see Sarla's parents.
(c) A trip to America.
(d) A family picnic.

6. What does Deven hear in the night for the second time when he is unable to sleep?
(a) His son whimpering.
(b) Owls.
(c) A procession of female worshippers.
(d) Traffic.

7. How is Siddiqui's home described when Deven first visits in Chapter 8?
(a) Sizable but somber.
(b) Vast but vacant.
(c) Decrepit but spacious.
(d) Grand but garish.

8. What does Murad tell Deven to do in order to pay off all of his bills?
(a) Ask his wife's family to help.
(b) Give Murad the sole rights to Nur's tape.
(c) Work for Murad full time.
(d) Get a better job.

9. How many faculty make up the Urdu department at the college?
(a) 15.
(b) 5.
(c) 1.
(d) 0.

10. Why does Siddiqui order most of his meals from restaurants?
(a) He gets free food because he is nobility.
(b) He does not know how to cook.
(c) The kitchen roof fell in.
(d) He makes a lot of money.

11. What does Deven worry he might have to do once the board finds out his tapes are useless?
(a) Find a new job.
(b) Pawn Sarla's jewelry or send her back to her family.
(c) Ask Imtiaz for help.
(d) Interview Nur again.

12. What does Imtiaz tell Deven and Nur while she is in bed sick in Chapter 7?
(a) Deven must leave and never come back.
(b) She has suffered after performing in public and she fears the same for Nur.
(c) If Nur recites his memoirs to Deven she will leave him.
(d) Deven must pay in advance to speak to Nur from now on.

13. What is happening at Siddiqui's house when Deven goes to see him in Chapter 11?
(a) It is being demolished.
(b) Someone else is living there.
(c) Siddiqui had thrown Deven a surprise party.
(d) Nur is doing a poetry reading.

14. What does the old woman say to Deven about Imtiaz after he leaves the day he visits when Imtiaz is ill?
(a) She is an amazing mother.
(b) She is a fine woman.
(c) She is an astounding poet.
(d) She has tantrums.

15. What does Sarla ask Deven when she overheard Jayadev telling him of the rumor going around about his trips to Delhi?
(a) If they can go home.
(b) If he is having an affair.
(c) If they are really that poor.
(d) If he enjoys his time with Nur.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Sarla doing at the start of Chapter 11 after just returning from holiday?

2. What does Nur tell Deven in the postcard Sarla gives him at the start of Chapter 8?

3. What does Deven feel he has been made "custodian of" (204) at the end of the novel?

4. In what way was Deven's friendship with Raj different than his friendship with Murad?

5. What issue does Deven find when he finally listens to the tapes with Murad?

(see the answer keys)

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