In Custody: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

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In Custody: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Murad say they can afford with the funding Deven has received from the college for the tape recorder?
(a) One for Deven and one for Murad.
(b) The cheapest, worst model.
(c) None at all.
(d) The best of the best.

2. What does Deven suggest Siddiqui do to help him with his work with Nur?
(a) Help him come up with interview questions.
(b) Be his note taker.
(c) Submit a proposal to the college for funding for a tape recorder.
(d) Compile all of Nur's greatest poems.

3. Which department at the college is more likely to receive funding?
(a) Hindi.
(b) Urdu.
(c) Anthropology.
(d) Science.

4. What does Deven hear in the night for the second time when he is unable to sleep?
(a) Traffic.
(b) A procession of female worshippers.
(c) His son whimpering.
(d) Owls.

5. Why does Siddiqui live in such a large home?
(a) He lives with many people.
(b) He saved all his money and had the house built.
(c) His is descendant of nobility.
(d) He married into royalty.

6. Why does the college Deven works for have an Urdu department?
(a) Because Deven pushed for one.
(b) Because Urdu was a highly sought after degree.
(c) Because they received a large donation from a Muslim family.
(d) Because the Principal wants to keep Urdu alive.

7. Who is Jain?
(a) A shop owner.
(b) Deven's boss.
(c) A magazine editor.
(d) Nur's servant.

8. What does Imtiaz tell Deven in the letter she wrote him which was waiting at his house?
(a) Nur's first wife is ill.
(b) His interview has lifted Nur's spirits.
(c) She knows about the tapes.
(d) She wants to buy the sole rights to Nur's interview tape.

9. What issue does Deven find when he finally listens to the tapes with Murad?
(a) The tapes had music on them.
(b) Chiku never turned the recorder on.
(c) They are barely audible.
(d) Imtiaz erased them.

10. What does Imtiaz tell Deven and Nur while she is in bed sick in Chapter 7?
(a) Deven must leave and never come back.
(b) She has suffered after performing in public and she fears the same for Nur.
(c) Deven must pay in advance to speak to Nur from now on.
(d) If Nur recites his memoirs to Deven she will leave him.

11. What word does Siddiqui use to describe the edited Nur tape when Deven plays it for him?
(a) Astounding.
(b) Adorable.
(c) Abominable.
(d) Charming.

12. Why does Siddiqui tell Deven he cannot give up on his interview with Nur?
(a) Deven should not let his friend Murad down.
(b) The school has already paid for the tape recording.
(c) Siddiqui expects that the interview will do great things for the Urdu department.
(d) This could be Deven's chance to find better paying work.

13. How much money is Deven expected to pay for the room he used to interview Nur?
(a) 250 rupees.
(b) 500 rupees.
(c) 1000 rupees.
(d) 50 rupees.

14. What does the old woman say Imtiaz did before marrying Nur?
(a) She was a dancing girl.
(b) She was a beggar.
(c) She recited poetry for money.
(d) She was a teacher.

15. Why does Deven decide he must sit by Chiku during the interview with Nur?
(a) Murad tells Deven he must keep an eye on him.
(b) He saw that Chiku had been drinking too much and fell asleep.
(c) He knows more about the tape recorder than Chiku.
(d) He wants to learn from Chiku how to use a tape recorder.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Murad say to Jain about his nephew Chiku?

2. What does Nur tell Deven he wants the college to do for him since Deven's lack of response is "hastening [his] early death" (183)?

3. What does the old woman tell Deven that Imtiaz always does when she wants something from Nur?

4. What is strange about the interview room when Deven and Chiku arrive at the start of Chapter 10?

5. What does Sarla ask Deven when she overheard Jayadev telling him of the rumor going around about his trips to Delhi?

(see the answer keys)

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