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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. What is Eve's relationship to Boomer, the man whose corpse she views at the police station in Chapter 2?
2. What tactic does Eve use to get the report she needs from Dickie Berenski?
3. What is Feeney's reaction when he first sees the beautiful Jerry Fitzgerald?
4. What is unusual about the "I love New York" bumper sticker Eve spots in traffic in Chapter 8?
5. Why do Mavis's lawyers not want to use a truth detection test or hypnosis in her defense?
Short Essay Questions
1. What prompts Eve to make an appointment with the police psychologist?
2. What do Eve and Peabody find when they search Pandora's house?
3. Describe Eve's nightmares and why Eve is terrified of facing memories of her childhood.
4. Why is Mavis calm at breakfast in Chapter 8 despite the fact that a murder charge is hanging over her head?
5. What does the fact that Eve shares information about the disc with the formula of the drug on it with Commander Whitney but not with Lieutenant Casto indicate about her relationship with each man?
6. How does Roarke promise to help Eve clear Mavis in Chapter 7?
7. Explain how Eve uses physical and scientific evidence to corroborate eyewitness testimony.
8. How does Eve get Dickie Berenski to speed up his report on the evidence from Boomer's apartment?
9. What does Pandora threaten to do to Leonardo if he doesn't stop seeing Mavis?
10. In Chapter 3, how does Roarke assist Eve with her investigation of Boomer's murder?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Eve's dreams are a recurring motif throughout Immortal in Death. Cite three examples from the text of the use of this motif and discuss what you think the dreams represent in each example.
Essay Topic 2
Casto is the antagonist of the novel and Eve is the protagonist of the novel. What character flaws and strengths do you see in each character? How do these flaws and strengths help or hinder the characters in their relationships throughout the course of the novel and in their homicide investigations? Cite examples from the text to support your arguments.
Essay Topic 3
The idea of looking younger motivates characters in Immortal in Death to take the drug Immortality. Discuss the influence of the entertainment industry in which many of the characters of the novel are involved on their desire to look perpetually young and their willingness to take addictive and potentially fatal drugs in an attempt to do so. Cite examples from the text to support your arguments.
This section contains 996 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |
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