Illness as Metaphor Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Illness as Metaphor Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What illness did Cresseid have in The Testament of Cresseid?
(a) TB.
(b) Leprosy.
(c) Cholera.
(d) Scarlet fever.

2. What diseases tended to strike each person as a member of an afflicted community in Chapter 5?
(a) TB and cancer.
(b) Cancer and maleria.
(c) Bubonic plague, typhus, and cholera.
(d) Maleria and TB.

3. With what disease was the first modern chemotherapy success?
(a) Liver cancer.
(b) Breast cancer.
(c) Stomach cancer.
(d) Syphilis.

4. When did Kafa write about his TB in a letter to Max Brod in Chapter 5?
(a) September 1917.
(b) August 1917.
(c) October 1917.
(d) November 1917.

5. Who said there was no one in the world who was less able to conceal his emotion than Kant?
(a) Hume.
(b) Voltaire.
(c) Rousseau.
(d) Coleridge.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who believed that Mansfield became preoccupied with trying to heal her soul and abandoned other treatments?

2. What did Kafka believe that his illness was a sign of?

3. As a scourge, what did syphilis imply in Chapter 5?

4. When was Kafka diagnosed with TB?

5. When was the influenza pandemic?

Short Essay Questions

1. Before the tubercle bacillus was discovered, what did a standard medical textbook list as the causes of tuberculosis?

2. In Chapter 5, what example does Sontag present of how cancer was viewed as a disease that caused a person to finally behave well?

3. What did Kant say about passion and cancer?

4. How did the ideas connecting TB and emotions change, and how does Sontag relate that change to cancer?

5. How were the conceptions of and treatements for TB patients and mental paitents similar?

6. How was disease viewed by the Greek in Chapter 6?

7. What do some researches assert about cancer and a cure?

8. In Death in Venice, how did disease affect Gustav von Achenbach?

9. How did the contrast between passions change according to Sontag in Chapter 6?

10. What did Joseph Severn write was done to Keats' room a couple weeks after his death?

(see the answer keys)

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