I Will Always Write Back Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Caitlin Alifirenka and Martin Ganda
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

I Will Always Write Back Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Caitlin Alifirenka and Martin Ganda
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Caitlin stop playing with her kindergarten friend, Marlena?
(a) Caitlin slapped Marlena's face.
(b) Caitlin elbowed Marlena's nose.
(c) Caitlin stepped on Marlena's foot.
(d) Cailin messed up Marlena's hair.

2. How do Martin and his mother get to the bank after they received Caitlin's gift of money in May of 1999? (Chapter 16)
(a) They take their canoe.
(b) They take the bus.
(c) They walk.
(d) They call a taxi.

3. What does Martin buy for Caitlin after his job pouring tea at the bank?
(a) African fabric and matching necklace.
(b) A lacy handkerchief and a bracelet.
(c) A box of stationery and ink pen.
(d) A thank-you card and a photo of himself.

4. What color are Martin's school uniforms?
(a) Blue.
(b) Green.
(c) Yellow.
(d) Red.

5. What makes Caitlin more aware of the troubles Martin might be facing?
(a) A movie about Africa she sees at the theatre.
(b) A BBC News Report she watches with her mother.
(c) A magazine article she reads in class.
(d) A website on Zimbabwe she follows.

6. Martin needs a dollar to take an exam allowing him to move to the next grade. How does he get it?
(a) His brother, Nation, steals one for him.
(b) His mother trades work for a dollar.
(c) His friend, Nyasha, gives Martin a dollar.
(d) His father's boss lends Martin a dollar.

7. What facility is located down the street from Caitlin's middle school?
(a) An ice-cream parlor.
(b) A pig slaughterhouse.
(c) An elementary school.
(d) A shopping mall.

8. What is the native language of Martin's family?
(a) Mutaran.
(b) Mozambique.
(c) Shona.
(d) Zimbabwea.

9. What kind of work does Martin do at the market to earn money?
(a) He carries luggage and washed cars.
(b) He catches monkeys and sells them.
(c) He plucks chickens for a butcher.
(d) He makes rope bracelets and sells them.

10. What do Caitlin and her mom use instead of packing peanuts in Martin's Christmas box?
(a) Newspaper.
(b) Candy.
(c) Bubble Wrap.
(d) Toilet Paper.

11. How long has Martin had his toothbrush?
(a) Six months.
(b) Three years.
(c) Thirty months.
(d) Seven years.

12. What kind of candy does Lois taste for the first time in her life?
(a) A red hot.
(b) A lollipop.
(c) A jawbreaker.
(d) A Starburst.

13. In Zimbabwe, if you have food, what are you expected to do?
(a) Freeze it.
(b) Salt it.
(c) Share it.
(d) Hide it.

14. What name does Caitlin give to her new bunny?
(a) Lois.
(b) Luella.
(c) Hoppy.
(d) Floppy.

15. What does Martin's name mean in his native language?
(a) Thank You.
(b) Be Well.
(c) Not Enough.
(d) Good-Bye.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Martin say that everyone in Zimbabwe considers a god?

2. When Caitlin and Lisa meet two guys at the mall, where do the guys take them?

3. In the seventh grade, what sport does Caitlin sign up to play?

4. What is Caitlin's brother's name?

5. Who is Alois' wife?

(see the answer keys)

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