I, Robot Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

I, Robot Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Dr. Calvin says in the end of “Evidence” that when Stephen Byerley decided to die, he had himself what?
(a) Sent to the moon.
(b) Cremated.
(c) Buried at sea.
(d) Atomized.

2. Where does the Co-ordinator say the Hydroponics plant has been laying men off in “The Evitable Conflict”?
(a) Almaden.
(b) Belaria.
(c) Singapore.
(d) Tientsin.

3. When did a new social atmosphere in France tumble first the Bourbons and, eventually, the Hapsburgs, according to the Co-ordinator in “The Evitable Conflict”?
(a) 2051.
(b) 1789.
(c) 1665.
(d) 1911.

4. Gerald Black informs Dr. Calvin and others that the locks where in the trading ship have been tampered with in “Little Lost Robot”?
(a) Compartment 14.
(b) Compartment 10.
(c) Compartment C.
(d) Compartment D.

5. The narrator states in “Escape!” that over the matter of hours the equivalent of how many “fat volumes of mathematical physics were fed into The Brain”?
(a) 5.
(b) 17.
(c) 10.
(d) 3.

Short Answer Questions

1. Bogert asks Dr. Calvin if they could find the lost robot by questioning the robots about what in “Little Lost Robot”?

2. Of hearing of the modifications made to the robots in “Little Lost Robot,” Dr. Calvin suggests what?

3. Who causes Herbie to self-destruct in “Liar!”?

4. Who is the young head of the physics department of the Hyperatomic Drive Project in “Little Lost Robot”?

5. How long does it take Dr. Calvin to interview all of the robots in “Little Lost Robot”?

Short Essay Questions

1. What has been related to Byerley regarding the problems in the Eastern Region in “The Evitable Conflict”?

2. What thought does Herbie read of Dr. Calvin’s in “Liar!”?

3. How does the story “Liar!” mark a turning point in I, Robot?

4. What does Stephen Byerley communicate to Dr. Calvin in the beginning of “The Evitable Conflict”?

5. What does Dr. Calvin tell The Brain about its coming project in “Escape!”?

6. Who issues the orders for the process of investigation in “Liar!”?

7. What situation does Dr. Lanning explain to Calvin and Bogert in the beginning of “Escape!”?

8. What is the basis of Dr. Calvin’s fear of the robots and their capabilities in “Little Lost Robot”?

9. What does Stephen Byerley tell Dr. Calvin and Dr. Lanning upon their departure from the interview in “Evidence”?

10. Who is having a discussion in the beginning of “Liar!”? How much time has elapsed since “Catch That Rabbit”?

(see the answer keys)

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