How We Fight For Our Lives Test | Final Test - Easy

Saeed Jones
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

How We Fight For Our Lives Test | Final Test - Easy

Saeed Jones
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 13, what does the Botanist do that surprises Jones and makes him feel awkward?
(a) Invites Jones to meet his son.
(b) Invites a woman to have a sexual experience with them.
(c) Invites his mother to have dinner with the two of them.
(d) Invite another man to have a sexual experience with them.

2. In Chapter 14, what question does Jones ask his friend that he has found all straight men like?
(a) He asks what the sexiest thing a girl ever did for him was.
(b) He asks what his favorite kinds of breasts are.
(c) He asks what he does to turn girls on.
(d) He asks what losing his virginity was like.

3. In Chapter 16, why does Jones feel he has to be so disciplined about his work?
(a) He wants his students to be proud of him.
(b) He needs to make more money.
(c) He wants his father to be proud of him.
(d) He does not want years to go by without his having published anything.

4. In Part Four, what grocery store does Jones's mother write that she often went to for food when he was a child?
(a) Tom Thumb.
(b) WaWa.
(c) Kroger.
(d) Wegman's.

5. In Chapter 12, what does the Botanist's online profile say about him?
(a) He is straight-acting and only into other straight-acting men.
(b) He never works out.
(c) He has a pet snake.
(d) He is a botanist, but he does not like plants.

6. In Chapter 16, what does Jones's mother insist upon his doing?
(a) Sending money to his grandmother.
(b) Coming to Memphis to help celebrate his grandmother's birthday.
(c) Cooking for himself.
(d) Contacting his father once and for all.

7. In Part Four, what does Jones's mother write in her letter to him that she considered doing several times?
(a) Taking drugs.
(b) Killing herself.
(c) Asking Jones's father to take custody of him.
(d) Asking her mother to take over raising him.

8. In Chapter 13, what happens to Jones's mother just before they leave for her new city?
(a) Her dog dies and she is devastated.
(b) She has to go to the emergency room because she is feeling ill.
(c) She gets hit by a car.
(d) Her ex-husband comes back to speak with her before she leaves.

9. In Chapter 16, what book is Jones's class in high school currently reading?
(a) Catch-22.
(b) The Red Badge of Courage.
(c) The Catcher in the Rye.
(d) Huckleberry Finn.

10. In Chapter 13, what does Jones predict will happen to his mother in Atlanta?
(a) She will find more Buddhists to spend time with.
(b) She will meet a man.
(c) She will get a great promotion.
(d) She will get better health care.

11. In Chapter 13, what does Jones go back to Lewisville to help his mother with in the summer of 2006?
(a) To help her take care of his grandmother.
(b) To help her sort out her healthcare regime.
(c) To help her take care of her garden.
(d) To help her pack her apartment and move to Atlanta.

12. Which author does Jones begin Part Three with a quote from?
(a) Roxanne Gay.
(b) Danez Smith.
(c) Nikki Giovanni.
(d) Sadie Jones.

13. In Chapter 12, which of the following lies does Jones tell the Botanist when they first meet?
(a) He is an athlete.
(b) He is not really gay.
(c) He is rich.
(d) He is a science major.

14. In Chapter 16, why is Jones hesitant to do what his mother asks of him?
(a) He does not like to cook.
(b) He is barely making ends meet financially.
(c) He still has not forgiven his grandmother.
(d) He does not want to speak with his father.

15. What does Jones's mother say about his happiness in Chapter 11?
(a) He can be happy, but his extended family will be miserable if he tells them the truth.
(b) He can not be happy if he is gay.
(c) If he is happy, she is happy.
(d) She can not be happy if he is gay.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 10, what does Jones think about the way his mother looks as they go together to drop him off at college?

2. In Part Four, when does Jones's mother write the heartfelt letter to him?

3. In Chapter 12, what does Jones tell the Botanist when he leaves his house after their first encounter?

4. In Chapter 16, what does Jones start to wish he had as a result of his New Year's Eve experience?

5. In Chapter 10, what book does Jones take out to re-read?

(see the answer keys)

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