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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. What word featured in the fresco did Francescho change before abandoning her position as a court painter under the marquis?
2. Francesco finally is able to recall that she had died from what malady?
3. When Francescho was on her deathbed, whom did she call "loyal" (142)?
4. What type of ending did the story about the Virgin, the angel, and the boy have, though Francesco had not known this fact until much later?
5. Which character had often told the story of the Virgin, the angel, and the boy to Francescho?
Short Essay Questions
1. What evidence does Francescho provide for her claim that there were other women in Renaissance-era Italy who posed as men in order to pursue careers in art?
2. What is the setting of the novel section entitled Eyes? Include in your answer the era, location, and situation depicted in the opening passages of How to Be Both.
3. For what reason did the protagonist of Eyes have need of a new name?
4. Which element of the fresco in Borse's palace had the Falcon insisted must be changed in order to avoid the wrath of Borse and others?
5. What assumption does Francescho make about the person she observes looking at a painting in the museum and what event makes her sure that she had been mistaken?
6. What crime did Cosmo likely commit the night after his first encounter with Francescho?
7. Name two themes contained in one quote within the novel's Epigraph section.
8. For what reason had Francescho eventually been banned from the brothel in Reggio?
9. Characterize Francescho's relationship with the Falcon.
10. What quality does Francescho "sense" is "central to" the "nature" (84) of the young woman whom she observes throughout the narrative?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Examine the novel How to Be Both from an Existential perspective. What elements of life does it suggest hold the most meaning and why?
Essay Topic 2
How are the topics of romantic relationships, love, and sex treated within the novel How to Be Both and how does their treatment relate to the novel's depicted messages?
Essay Topic 3
Discuss Smith’s messages about guilt and responsibility within How to Be Both. Focus especially on elements such as George’s guilt about the secret action she had taken to separate her mother from her friend Lisa.
This section contains 1,283 words (approx. 5 pages at 300 words per page) |
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