The Hound of the Baskervilles Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Hound of the Baskervilles Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What state is Sir Henry left in after the attack and the truth about the Stapletons is revealed?
(a) Sir Henry becomes deliriously ill from strain.
(b) Sir Henry becomes murderously angry.
(c) Sir Henry is immensely relieved to be rid of them.
(d) Sir Henry is in a vegetative state of shock.

2. According to Mrs. Lyons, what did she do the night she was to meet with Sir Charles?
(a) She met with Sir Charles and saw the hound.
(b) She was detained by a private matter and did not make the meeting.
(c) She met with Sir Charles, but nothing happened.
(d) She was detained by a private matter, but sent a telegram to Sir Charles to not meet her.

3. Why did Mrs. Lyons wish to meet with Sir Charles so secretly?
(a) She wanted to avoid a scandal by meeting privately with a bachelor.
(b) She wanted to keep her friendship with Sir Charles secret from her father.
(c) She did not want to face Barrymore.
(d) She wanted to keep her relationship a secret from her estranged husband.

4. Why did Stapleton tie up and gag his wife?
(a) To prevent her from warning Sir Henry.
(b) She tried to kill her husband.
(c) She was going to try to kill Sir Henry herself.
(d) She was going to run away.

5. What does Holmes's discovery of the portrait reveal?
(a) Hugo never existed.
(b) Stapleton is a Baskerville.
(c) Sir Henry is not a Baskerville.
(d) Sir Charles is still alive.

Short Answer Questions

1. After learning that Mrs. Barrymore answered the telegram for her husband, what does Watson observe about the lady?

2. What does Watson witness when he follows Sir Henry?

3. Why is Watson upset at Holmes's deception?

4. While Sir Henry is being entertained in Merripit House, what do Holmes and Watson observe Stapleton doing?

5. What is the deal Stapleton strikes with Sir Henry?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is significant about the discovery of Sir Henry's boot in Grimpen Mire?

2. What is the arrangement between Selden and the Barrymores, and how did it come to be?

3. What does the hound look like?

4. Why is Sir Henry upset with Watson and Holmes?

5. What does Watson believe about the supernatural possibilities of the hound?

6. What contributes to the dark mood around Baskerville Hall at the beginning of Chapter 10?

7. Why can Holmes not arrest Stapleton?

8. What does Mrs. Stapleton reveal about her husband?

9. Why does Watson refer to Mr. Frankland as much needed "comic relief?"

10. According to Mrs. Barrymore, how did Selden become the man he is?

(see the answer keys)

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