Hornblower and the Hotspur Test | Final Test - Easy

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Hornblower and the Hotspur Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is shot at the Hotspur while it is trying to help the Grasshopper?
(a) Mortars.
(b) Flaming arrows.
(c) Cannon shot.
(d) Oil bombs.

2. How is the second French ship harmed when Hornblower makes his night attack?
(a) It runs aground.
(b) All of these.
(c) It is rammed by the third ship.
(d) It catches on fire.

3. What kind of ship is the Grasshopper?
(a) A sloop.
(b) A lugger.
(c) A frigate.
(d) A man of war.

4. Who is Doughty's replacement?
(a) Bailey.
(b) Bernard.
(c) Barnes.
(d) Bingley.

5. What causes the Grasshopper to be bested?
(a) It is weighed down.
(b) It takes on water.
(c) It is poorly handled.
(d) It runs aground.

6. What does Hornblower make his crew train in during the Winter?
(a) Sailing techniques.
(b) All of these.
(c) Navigation.
(d) Gunnery.

7. Why is Hornblower not able to speak with Maria?
(a) Hornblower is promoted.
(b) The French attack.
(c) Cornwallis orders him back to sea.
(d) Another gale blows up.

8. What American ship is anchored in the harbor with the Hotspur?
(a) The Eagle.
(b) The Liberty.
(c) The Constitution.
(d) The Interceptor.

9. How was the frigate run aground destroyed?
(a) It blew apart in the wind.
(b) It was shot to pieces by cannons.
(c) It was burned.
(d) It sunk.

10. What does Hornblower hesitate to add to the Butcher's Bill?
(a) Fresh beef.
(b) Cotard's name.
(c) The damaged captain's cabin.
(d) Grimes's name.

11. What is the Butcher's Bill?
(a) The list of dead and wounded.
(b) The list of needed provisions.
(c) The list of prisoners.
(d) The list of damage to the ship.

12. What does Hornblower do while trying to rescue the Grasshopper that amazes his crew?
(a) He returns fire on the French frigate.
(b) He puts out a mortar fuse.
(c) He repairs the sails on the Grasshopper.
(d) He pulls the Grasshopper's captain out of the wreckage.

13. What does Hornblower tell his crew when winter sets in?
(a) They must watch better than before.
(b) They must prepare for surprises.
(c) They must get rest when they can.
(d) They must combat homesickness.

14. What does Hornblower have to do after sleeping a few hours after destroying the semaphore?
(a) Take account of his crew.
(b) Hold a funeral for Grimes.
(c) Interrogate the prisoners.
(d) Write a report of the action.

15. What does Hornblower notice about two frigates in the bay after Christmas?
(a) They are more weighed down.
(b) Their colors don't change when they should.
(c) They seem undermanned.
(d) They are riding more lightly.

Short Answer Questions

1. What increases in the army encampments on shore after Christmas?

2. Where is Hornblower told to go while he is talking to Doughty in the brig?

3. What increases around the destroyed semaphore?

4. What do the men on the ship have to man three out of four hours during the storms?

5. What kind of damage does the Hotspur get during the storms?

(see the answer keys)

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