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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. What do Talita and Traveler hear outside their window at the end of Chapter 45?
(a) Horacio singing.
(b) A bird's call.
(c) Two lovers' arguing.
(d) A car accident.
2. What absurdist writer is quoted in Chapter 145?
(a) Camus.
(b) Ionesco.
(c) Durrenmatt.
(d) Gombrowicz.
3. Which of the following is not among Talita's preferred reading materials?
(a) Language books.
(b) Clothing catalogues.
(c) Medical journals.
(d) Blashemous articles.
4. According to Ossip in Chapter 30, which member of the Club got belligerently drunk at Rocamadour's wake?
(a) Maga.
(b) Ronald.
(c) Guy Monod.
(d) Perico.
5. In Chapter 87, a number by what musician is discussed?
(a) Satchmo.
(b) Miles Davis.
(c) Duke Ellington.
(d) Cole Porter.
6. According to Ossip in Chapter 29, when did La Maga leave her flat and likely Paris?
(a) Immediately after Rocamadour died.
(b) When Ossip proposed to her.
(c) After Rocamadour's wake.
(d) After a month of looking for Horacio.
7. Why does Etienne get angry at Babs in Chapter 96?
(a) She throws out a rotten egg.
(b) She thinks Jarry is a genius.
(c) She won't stop talking.
(d) She cannot find Morelli's manuscript.
8. Why does Emanuele decide to perform oral sex on Horacio in Chapter 36?
(a) She decides that he looks too sad.
(b) She wants to take revenge on her former lover.
(c) She is drunk.
(d) She is bored.
9. In Chapter 80, to what does Horacio liken madness?
(a) A cancer.
(b) A love affair.
(c) A fever.
(d) A dream.
10. What is Chapter 32?
(a) A letter from Maga.
(b) A chapter form Morelli's new work.
(c) An inner monologue from Ossip.
(d) A newspaper article.
11. What final instructions does Cortazar give for the end of the book?
(a) Coninue reading the same two chapters.
(b) Start again from the beginning.
(c) Burn the book.
(d) Start again in reverse order.
12. In Chapter 31, what is the only thing that Horacio says he wants?
(a) Recognition.
(b) Peace.
(c) Maga.
(d) Anonymity.
13. In Chapter 46, what does Traveler protest that he will never do to Horacio?
(a) Ask him to leave.
(b) Forgive him for what he has done to Talita.
(c) Lend him money.
(d) Hurt him.
14. Who does Horacio call to talk about his dream in Chapter 100?
(a) Etienne.
(b) Traveler.
(c) La Maga.
(d) Ossip.
15. Which of the following is not a topic upon which Morelli expounds in Chapter 154?
(a) Algeria.
(b) His own writing.
(c) Chess.
(d) Ezra Pound.
Short Answer Questions
1. What does Pola wonder as she and Horacio make love in Chapter 101?
2. What does Horacio do with toothpaste in Chapter 75?
3. What is the only information about the Club's journey to Morelli's flat included in Chapter 113?
4. Why is Horacio terrified in his dream in Chapter 132?
5. Why is Morelli excited to see Horacio in Chapter 154?
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