The Homecoming Test | Final Test - Medium

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The Homecoming Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Sam do when Max collapses after verbally abusing Ruth?
(a) Sam yells at Joey.
(b) Sam goes out the door.
(c) Sam goes to help Max.
(d) Sam picks up the broken dishes.

2. How many women appear onstage in the play?
(a) None
(b) One
(c) Three
(d) Two

3. What is the nature of the family business?
(a) Printer
(b) Plumber
(c) Butcher
(d) Mechanic

4. How does Joey respond to Max's invitation to spend the afternoon with him?
(a) Joey says he has to work on his car.
(b) Joey says he has to do an errand for Sam.
(c) Joey says he has to train.
(d) Joey says he has to repair the roof.

5. Just before the end of Act Two, Scene 1, What does Teddy give a long speech about?
(a) How his mother would be proud of him
(b) How families shouldn't argue
(c) How important his works are
(d) Why he needs to leave

Short Answer Questions

1. In his long speech, what does Teddy call the members of his family?

2. The first time Max meets Ruth, what doe Teddy tell Max about her?

3. After Lenny mocks Teddy's inability to answer his question, what subject does the conversation change to?

4. When Sam comes in from the kitchen, what emotion of Sam's does Max say he doesn't understand?

5. When Ruth says she was different before she and Teddy were married, what does Teddy say.?

Short Essay Questions

1. What did Ruth say she did for a living before she was married?

2. According to Max, what did his father ask him to do when he was dying?

3. By the end of the first act, which characters has Max not physically or verbally abused?

4. What similarity is there between Teddy and Ruth's family and Max and Jessie's family?

5. According to Teddy, how is Ruth different since their marriage?

6. What is Teddy's response to Ruth's question about whether the family has read any of his works?

7. When Teddy and Ruth come downstairs and surprise Max, what is the first thing he wants to know?

8. In what ways does Max compare his father with Sam?

9. What violent action does Max take against Sam?

10. What does Joey do in his uncle's defense when Max criticizes Sam?

(see the answer keys)

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