Objects & Places from Home Is Not a Country

Safia Elhillo
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Objects & Places from Home Is Not a Country

Safia Elhillo
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Home Is Not a Country Lesson Plans

Aisha's Red Scarf

This object represents hope when Nima's mother wears it to the airport in the hopes of traveling to a joyous gathering of friends. This object also becomes associated with bitterness when Nima and her mother are denied access to board the plane due to a xenophobic gate agent.

The Name "Yasmeen"

This name is a representation of Aisha's favorite flower, and Nima knows that her mother considered naming her Yasmeen but decided against it because it had been a name Nima's father had also liked.


This activity represents one of Aisha's great talents, and it is something both Aisha and Nima both like to do.


These articles of fabric become fraught with meaning and Nima comes to see her and Aisha as the objects of targets when they both wear them.


These spirits could be harmless or malicious, but Nima believes Mama...

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