Hollywood Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Hollywood Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who hates Austin?
(a) Hank.
(b) Pell.
(c) Friedman.
(d) Jon.

2. What does Hank reflect on as they drive to Jon and Francois's?
(a) The apparent racial tension.
(b) The poverty of the area.
(c) The landscaped yards.
(d) The rich and famous residents.

3. Hank learns that _________ agrees to do the film.
(a) Bowers.
(b) Bledsoe.
(c) Sanrah.
(d) Jon.

4. To what type of community do Hank and Sarah go to see a film about Christ's transformation?
(a) A wealth one.
(b) A young one.
(c) An old one.
(d) A down and out one.

5. What does Hank see in the party guests at Jon's celebratory party?
(a) Their wealth.
(b) Their shallowness.
(c) Their self obsession.
(d) Their beauty.

6. How are Hank and Sarah met by their first attempt at house shopping?
(a) Happily.
(b) Easily.
(c) Rejected.
(d) Politely.

7. How many statements showing interest in Hank's screenplay does Jon receive?
(a) One.
(b) Two.
(c) Three.
(d) Four.

8. What is Paul Renoir's occupation?
(a) He is a singer.
(b) He is a violinist.
(c) He is an opera director.
(d) He is a director.

9. Who is Hank and Sarah's accountant?
(a) Van Marbad.
(b) Vin Marbad.
(c) Vin Mason.
(d) Van Marson.

10. How does Hank travel to Pinchot's home?
(a) Via the marina and boat.
(b) By train.
(c) In a truck.
(d) On foot.

11. What does Hank worry about becoming in Part 3?
(a) What he always hated.
(b) Angry.
(c) Cold hearted.
(d) Stubborn.

12. Who is interested in playing the character "Jim Beam"?
(a) Jim Bledsoe.
(b) Jack Bledsoe.
(c) Jack Bedsole.
(d) Jim Beam.

13. Who calls Hank at the beginning of the novel?
(a) Pinchot.
(b) Renoir.
(c) Mamin.
(d) Sarah.

14. At what age does Hank claim life begins?
(a) 70.
(b) 65.
(c) 66.
(d) 75.

15. What was Hank's apartment's neighborhood overpopulated by?
(a) Central American immigants.
(b) Cats.
(c) Blacks.
(d) Asians.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who flatters then bores Hank with his discussion of Hank's work?

2. What is Victor Norman's occupation?

3. What state of mind is Francois in when Hank and Sarah arrive?

4. What is Hank Chisanski's occupation?

5. Who loses his temper about money in regards to producing Hank's screenplay?

(see the answer keys)

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