Hiroshima Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Hiroshima Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Dr. Sasaki feel should happen to the men who decided to use the bomb?
(a) They should be tried and hanged.
(b) They should be shot to death.
(c) They should come to Japan and witness the damage they did.
(d) They should be bombed themselves.

2. What does Miss Sasaki seem to draw physical strength from?
(a) Father Kleinsorge's answers about life.
(b) Her wounded leg returning to normal.
(c) The patients who are worse off than she is.
(d) A family member showing up at the hospital.

3. What happens to the Kataoka children, sister and brother, whom Father Kleinsorge finds?
(a) They have to be separated.
(b) They die.
(c) It is discovered that their entire family is dead.
(d) They are returned to their mother.

4. What does the women holding the dead baby keep requesting of Mr. Tanimoto?
(a) To get her a doctor.
(b) To revive her daughter.
(c) To find her husband.
(d) To find her son.

5. In Hiroshima, Father Kleinsorges is one of thousands of sufferers; in Tokyo...
(a) He is a curiosity.
(b) He is one of a hundred sufferers.
(c) His case is very common.
(d) He is one of a million sufferers.

6. What is Miss Sasaki told before she is lifted to a relief station?
(a) She is told that her parents survived, but her siblings are dead.
(b) She is told that her father, mother, and baby brother are dead.
(c) She is told that her whole family has survived.
(d) She is told that her whole family is dead.

7. How does Mrs. Nakamura react when her sewing machine is retrieved?
(a) She is disappointed that it is all rusted and useless.
(b) She is happy that it is still in good shape.
(c) She is frustrated that parts of it need to be fixed.
(d) She fears she is too ill to use it anyway.

8. When Father Kleinsorge arrives to the hospital, what condition is he in?
(a) He is unconscious.
(b) He is terribly pale and very shaky.
(c) He has a terrible rash all over.
(d) He is bleeding profusely.

9. Why doesn't Mrs. Nakamura see a doctor for her ailments?
(a) She doesn't feel she is sick enough.
(b) Her relative is a nurse who gives her the proper treatment.
(c) She is afraid of what the doctor may tell her.
(d) She is too poor.

10. In Chapter 3, when Mr. Tanimoto reaches down to the river and takes a woman by the hand, what sickens him so much that he has to sit down?
(a) He hears her joints disconnecting from each other.
(b) Her bones break through her skin.
(c) Her skin slips off in huge, glovelike pieces.
(d) Her hands are as hard as clay.

11. Months after she is discharged from the hospital, what does Miss Sasaki prepare herself for?
(a) Searching for her siblings.
(b) Getting married.
(c) Conversion to Catholicism.
(d) Finding a job.

12. What in particular causes Miss Sasaki unease as she looks at the ruins of Hiroshima?
(a) The sight of dead naked children stacked together.
(b) The large number of mice roaming the streets.
(c) The amount of peoples' ashes piled on the ground.
(d) The sight of grass and flowers among the ruins.

13. A year after the bomb is dropped, what condition is Mr. Tanimoto's church in?
(a) It is rebuilt.
(b) It still has his exceptional vitality.
(c) It is ruined.
(d) It has the same number of attendees.

14. Who is the person Miss Sasaki thinks about while in the hospital?
(a) Her mother.
(b) Her fiance.
(c) Her brother.
(d) Her sister.

15. In trying to rebuild the city, what is the Planning Conference in Hiroshima at a loss to?
(a) They worry about the costs involved to rebuild the city.
(b) They don't know how they would rebuild the city.
(c) They don't know what importance could Hiroshima now have.
(d) They don't know hwo to get people to move back into the city.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Mrs. Nakamura and her children go to after leaving the park?

2. How do the Nakamura children react during the night at Asano Park?

3. What does the doctor tell Mother Superior about Father Kleinsorge?

4. What does Mrs. Nakamura do once she receives money from the bank for her husband's bond?

5. Prior to the bombing, why is Hiroshima an inviting target?

(see the answer keys)

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