Hinds' Feet on High Places Test | Final Test - Medium

Hannah Hurnard
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 187 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Hinds' Feet on High Places Test | Final Test - Medium

Hannah Hurnard
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 187 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was the first thing Much-Afraid felt after getting out of the water where she bathed after awakening in the cave?
(a) Tingling from head to foot with a sense of perfect well-being.
(b) Exhausted.
(c) Cold from the icy water.
(d) Ready for a nap.

2. After Much-Afraid and her companions came out of the mist and found the Shepherd, He took Much-Afraid off alone and asked her what?
(a) He asked if she would make the rest of the trip alone for him.
(b) He asked if she would trust him even if she everything seemed like he was deceiving her.
(c) He asked if she would die for him.
(d) He asked if she would ever change her mind and return to the Valley of Humiliation.

3. As they walked through the mist, what did Much-Afraid finally do so she would not have to listen to the taunts from her family?
(a) She sang.
(b) She yelled at them.
(c) She threw more stones.
(d) She stuffed more cotton in her ears.

4. What else did Much Afraid notice about herself after she got out of the pool of water where she had bathed?
(a) She couldn't sleep.
(b) She was hungry.
(c) Her face was no longer ugly and twisted.
(d) She was alone.

5. What surprises were ahead for Much-Afraid after she spoke to the Shepherd in the Valley of Loss?
(a) The ascent was not nearly as difficult as she expected, and the valley was quite a restful place.
(b) She had hinds' feet that helped her make the trip.
(c) She woke up and realized it was all a dream.
(d) Her companions carried her for the difficult parts, so her trip was easy.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did the Voice tell Much-Afraid to do after she tried to drink the foul water?

2. What does the Shepherd do for Much-Afraid after he meets her on the peak where she has leaped with the hinds' feet?

3. Just when Much-Afraid thought she could not go forward in the Valley of Loss, even with her companions, what did she do?

4. When Much-Afraid and her companions got to the place on the mountain where the Shepherd had directed Much-Afraid to go, what did they find?

5. What is the secret of the High Places?

Short Essay Questions

1. What did the Shepherd show Much-Afraid after they took the chairs to the top of another mountain?

2. When Much-Afraid, Sorrow, and Suffering finally got to a graveyard-like setting, they were repulsed by the scene. When they came upon the deep canyon, what did they do?

3. While in the Valley of Loss, Much-Afraid was extremely frightened and felt as though she was looking down into the abyss of horror. What did she say when the Shepherd came to her?

4. When Much-Afraid awakened after sacrificing the need for human love that had been growing in her heart, what did she find?

5. How did Much-Afraid feel when she heard the next part of her journey was through the Forests of Danger and Tribulations?

6. How fitting was the new name the King gave Much-Afraid?

7. How did Much-Afraid react when the Shepherd suggested in Chapter 12 that he really might deceive her?

8. Before Much-Afraid was anointed, what happened to the Shepherd?

9. How did the King explain the alphabet of Love and what it meant to Grace and Glory now that she was changed?

10. What did the Shepherd say when he came to Much-Afraid in the cabin where she and her companions took refuge from the floods?

(see the answer keys)

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