High Five Test | Final Test - Easy

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High Five Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happens to the Porsche?
(a) It explodes.
(b) It gets a couple small dents in it.
(c) It is barely scratched.
(d) It is crushed.

2. Why does Stephanie rush off later after dinner?
(a) Mary Lou has to pick up her husband at the airport.
(b) Her parents are in a hurry to get home and start packing.
(c) Lula has a date for the movies.
(d) She is uncomfortable when things heat up between her and Ranger.

3. What does Morelli suggest Stephanie do?
(a) Marry him.
(b) Get out of town for awhile.
(c) Help him on a case.
(d) Make up her mind between him and Ranger.

4. What does the witness that saw Fred say about the picture Stephanie shows her?
(a) It is not the person with whom Fred entered the car.
(b) It is the person with whom Fred entered the car.
(c) She knows the man but never saw Fred with him.
(d) It is the man Fred was talking to at the deli, but not the person with whom Fred entered the car.

5. With whom is Stephanie fighting as Morelli and Ranger arrive?
(a) Terry.
(b) The FTA.
(c) Briggs.
(d) Bunchy.

6. What does Stephanie demand of Morelli when he makes her come inside his place?
(a) That he take her to see Bunchy.
(b) That he kiss her.
(c) To demand to know who he is dating.
(d) For Morelli to tell her what he knows about her uncle's disappearance.

7. Who does Stephanie ask about Shempsky?
(a) Bunchy.
(b) The police.
(c) Morelli.
(d) The bank.

8. What color is the Porsche Ranger presents to Stephanie?
(a) Blue.
(b) Bright yellow.
(c) Red.
(d) Black.

9. Why isn't Shermsky not at the bank?
(a) He is at a meeting in downtown Trenton.
(b) He has gone home sick.
(c) He is at the police station.
(d) He is at the gym.

10. What does Stephanie realize about Bunchy?
(a) His grammar is too perfect to be a bookie.
(b) He works for the Treasury department.
(c) She has seen him with Ranger a few times.
(d) He might be the small man with whom Fred gets into a car.

11. What does Stephanie get at her apartment complex?
(a) Her gun.
(b) The Buick.
(c) A tire iron.
(d) Help from the neighbor.

12. Who is Vito Grizolli?
(a) Stephanie's favorite high school teacher.
(b) Terry's uncle.
(c) Terry's father.
(d) Morelli's uncle.

13. What saves Stephanie?
(a) Lula is coming out of Stephanie's apartment and hits the man with her purse.
(b) Morelli arrives at the right moment.
(c) A neighbor fires a gun.
(d) Ranger had followed her to tell her something else.

14. Who does Leona think may be involved in a skimming scheme at the bank?
(a) No one.
(b) A new teller.
(c) The vice president.
(d) Shermpsky.

15. Why does Stephanie call Morelli and invite him for dinner?
(a) She is cooking his favor meal.
(b) Because she wants to grill him about Rameriz.
(c) Because she owes him a dinner.
(d) Out of guilt.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the case upon which Morelli is working?

2. About what does Stephanie tell Ranger?

3. What does Stephanie goad Shermsky into doing?

4. What does Stephanie think when he sees a picture of Lipinski's wife?

5. Why does Stephanie spend the rest of the night on her couch?

(see the answer keys)

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